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From KDE TechBase

KDE's presence at CeBIT 2008 will be coordinated by Torsten Rahn. CeBIT 2008 will take place in Hannover during March 4-9 2008.




KDE will be located in Hall 5, F52


We still need volunteers to staff the KDE booth for the week. Concerning accomodation keep in mind that we only have room for 3-5 people in the flat we rented.

Please enter your name here:

Name mail phone number Di 04. Mi 05. Do 06. Fr. 07. Sa 08. So 09. KDE Project accommodation needed
Carsten Niehaus <cniehaus(at)kde.org> - - - - - x x KDE Developer, Events no
Franz Keferböck <franz.keferboeck(at)gmail.com> +43-650-8622555 +49-1577-4533175 - x, pm x x x, am - KDE Events yes
Rolf Eike Beer <kde(at)opensource.sf-tec.de> - - - (x) (x) - (x) KDE/KGpg no
Holger Schröder <holger(at)holgis.net> - - - - ? x x KDE Windows no
Stefan Schweizer <genstef(at)gentoo.org> - - - - - x x KDE Packager on Gentoo, KDE on MacOSX yes
Patrick Spendrin <ps_ml (at) gmx.de> - x x (x) - - - KDE Windows yes
Alexander Neundorf <neundorf(at)kde.org> - - - - - - - CMake (?)
Frederik Gladhorn <frederik.gladhorn(at)kdemail.net> - - - x x x - KDE Developer, Edu yes
Eckhart Wörner <kde(at)ewsoftware.de> - x x x - - - KDE user, Events
Andreas Hartmetz <ahartmetzAtGmailDotCom> - - - x x - - kdelibs, kdepim
Henning Schroeder <henning.schroeder(at)gmail.com> - - - - - x x KDE user yes
Robert M. Albrecht <romal at gmx komma de> - - - - p x x KDE user yes

Amarok has got a booth nearby and we probably can help from time to time if you run short of booth staff. (Planning here and here.)

Travel & Accomodation

To find out whether you can get travel costs reimbursed please contact the coordinator of KDE's presence at CeBIT.

We have rented a flat in Hannover where up to three people will be able to sleep. Places will be made available in a "first comes first serves" manner.

Amarok rented a flat. There are likely 2 beds left if needed.


We will get internet access at the KDE booth. However we were asked to provide WLAN for the other projects as well. So we will need to bring a WLAN router along. Who will take care of handling this?


Last year the booth in LinuxPark had all the furniture we needed. I expect this to be the case for this year as well. From the boothbox we will provide

- a large LCD display - 2-3 Roll-ups - Merchandising material, KDE 10 Years T-Shirts


- Needed: more CD's (Kubuntu?)


There will be one presentation which will happen at the weekend.