You can use Plasma ContainmentAction e.g. for Context Menus on your Plasma Desktop. They will run as plugins meaning you can add and remove them after compilation. If they exist, their name will be stored in .desktop files. ContainmentActions can only be written in C++ or QML, not in other Plasma programming languages, e.g. NOT in javascript.
We will now create a simple example for Plasma ContainmentAction plugins. The code can be downloaded at It creates a custom context menu that looks like this:
The code is here:
[Desktop Entry] Name=KDE Context Menu Type=Service Icon=favorites Comment=Simple application launcher ServiceTypes=Plasma/ContainmentActions X-KDE-Library=kde-contextmenu X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=R. Hacker X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=kde-contextmenu X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=pre0.1 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website= X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true
The Name will show up later in this article when you select your context menu.
If you want to know which ServiceTypes exist, you can find out with the Linux command
ls `kde4-config --prefix`/share/kde4/servicetypes
project(kde-contextmenu) set(KDE_MIN_VERSION "4.3.85") # for the < 4.2 macro find_package(KDE4 4.3.85 REQUIRED) include(MacroLibrary) include(KDE4Defaults) add_definitions(${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS}) include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${KDE4_INCLUDES}) set(contextmenu_SRCS launch.cpp ) kde4_add_plugin(kde-contextmenu ${contextmenu_SRCS}) target_link_libraries(kde-contextmenu ${KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS} ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS}) install(TARGETS kde-contextmenu DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR}) install(FILES kde-contextmenu.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR})
#ifndef CONTEXTMENU_HEADER #define CONTEXTMENU_HEADER #include <plasma/containmentactions.h> class QAction; class KMenu; class ConTextMenu : public Plasma::ContainmentActions { Q_OBJECT public: ConTextMenu(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args); ~ConTextMenu(); void init(const KConfigGroup &config); void contextEvent(QEvent *event); //returns true if something (other than a separator) was successfully added bool addApps(QMenu *menu); public slots: void switchTo(QAction *action); protected: void makeMenu(); private: KMenu *m_menu; QAction *m_action; }; K_EXPORT_PLASMA_CONTAINMENTACTIONS(favorites, ConTextMenu) #endif
#include "launch.h" #include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent> #include <QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent> #include <QFileInfo> #include <KDebug> #include <KIcon> #include <KMenu> #include <Plasma/DataEngine> #include <Plasma/Containment> #include <Plasma/Service> ConTextMenu::ConTextMenu(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : Plasma::ContainmentActions(parent, args) , m_action(new QAction(this)) { m_menu = new KMenu(); connect(m_menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(switchTo(QAction*))); m_action->setMenu(m_menu); } ConTextMenu::~ConTextMenu() { delete m_menu; } void ConTextMenu::init(const KConfigGroup &) { } void ConTextMenu::contextEvent(QEvent *event) { makeMenu(); m_menu->adjustSize(); m_menu->exec(popupPosition(m_menu->size(), event)); } void ConTextMenu::makeMenu() { m_menu->clear(); addApps(m_menu); } bool ConTextMenu::addApps(QMenu *menu) { QAction* action = menu->addAction(KIcon("system-run"), "Open a console"); action->setData("kde4-konsole.desktop"); action = menu->addAction(KIcon("firefox"), "Surf the web"); action->setData("firefox.desktop"); action = menu->addAction(KIcon("ksnapshot"), "Take a screenshot"); action->setData("kde4-ksnapshot.desktop"); return true; } void ConTextMenu::switchTo(QAction *action) { QString source = action->data().toString(); kDebug() << source; Plasma::Service *service = dataEngine("apps")->serviceForSource(source); if (service) { service->startOperationCall(service->operationDescription("launch")); } } #include "launch.moc"
Install it
Compile, link and install it using the command
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` . && make -j8 && make install
Test it
To test it, have your system re-discover its .desktop files by running the command
Then right-click onto your desktop, select "Folder View Settings" -> Mouse Actions and the context menu:
Then click "Apply". You will see the config file ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc changes. Next time when you middle-click (or whatever you selected) onto your desktop, your own context menu will appear:
To debug your Plasma ContainmentAction call
kdebugdialog --fullmode
search for "plasma" and direct kDebug's output to /tmp/whatever.txt