
Proposed for moving to
It has been proposed that this page should be moved to the wiki for the following reason:
Archive under
The KDE Interface Guidelines provide a complementary set of reference manuals to ensure a consistent high quality user interface in respect to these topics:
- Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) - Usability Manual
- Community Identity Guidelines (CIG) - Branding Manual
- Accessibility Guidelines (AG)
The CIG gives definitions and recommendations which help the KDE Project to establish a unique, characteristic and appealing design and to promote KDE on all kinds of media. It's the ultimate reference manual for all people who are involved in designing the KDE user interface as well as promotional material.
- Names and Claims
- KDE Logo
- Colors
- Typeface
- Icons
- Widgets
- Mascot Usage
- Default UI Artwork
- Promotional Material
- Artwork License
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