ECM5/IncompatibleChangesKDELibs4ToECM: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
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Line 119: Line 119:
* include(MacroWriteBasicCMakeVersionFile) -> include (WriteBasicConfigVersionFile)
* include(MacroWriteBasicCMakeVersionFile) -> include (WriteBasicConfigVersionFile)
* macro_write_basic_cmake_version_file(<outfilename> 1 2 3) -> write_basic_config_version_file(<outfilename> VERSION 1.2.3 COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion )
* macro_write_basic_cmake_version_file(<outfilename> 1 2 3) -> write_basic_config_version_file(<outfilename> VERSION 1.2.3 COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion )
=== GenerateExportHeader.cmake ===
This has been added to CMake and provides the generate_export_header macro. This macro is the replacement of kde4_create_exports_header.

Revision as of 23:56, 24 November 2011


We use the version from CMake now, which is named FindFlex.cmake (different casing !). Beside that there should be no changes in behaviour.

  • find_package(FLEX) -> find_package(Flex)


We use the version from CMake now. The syntax of GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES() changed a bit, it now needs the additional keyword "PO_FILES.

  • gettext_process_po_files(de ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${dest} file1.po file2.po) -> gettext_process_po_files(de ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${dest} PO_FILES file1.po file2.po)


We use the version from CMake now. There is a minor difference, which will not affect many systems. The KDE version accepted only giflib version 4, while the CMake version accepted any version of giflib. If giflib version 4 .x is required, the version can now be specified:

  • find_package(GIF) -> find_package(GIF 4 )

This actually only was an issue on some relatively old Sun machines in 2006. Maybe today it is not even there a problem anymore.


We use the version from CMake 2.8.7 now. There are two changes compared to the one in kdelibs:

  • WinCE is probably not supported anymore, patches are welcome


This file does not exist anymore, use FindRuby.cmake coming with CMake instead. Most variables are the same. Below are the changes:

  • find_package(RUBY) -> find_package(Ruby)


The following two variables have been removed, use the newer ones instead:

  • X11_Xss_FOUND -> X11_Xscreensaver_FOUND
  • X11_Xss_LIB -> X11_Xscreensaver_LIB

The following libraries are now not part of X11_LIBRARIES anymore, so they may have to be added to target_link_libraries() explicitely where needed:

  • X11_Xau_LIB
  • X11_Xft_LIB
  • X11_Xdmcp_LIB
  • X11_Xpm_LIB


This file has been removed. Use set_property(.. APPEND_STRING) instead (new in CMake 2.8.6).

  • include(MacroAddCompileFlags) -> delete
  • macro_add_compile_flags(target "-O2 -g") -> set_property(TARGET target APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS " -O2 -g")


This file has been removed. Use set_property(.. APPEND_STRING) instead (new in CMake 2.8.6).

  • include(MacroAddLinkFlags) -> delete
  • macro_add_link_flags(target "-no-rpath") -> set_property(TARGET target APPEND_STRING PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS " -no-rpath")


This file has been removed. Use set_property(... APPEND ...) instead.

  • include(MacroAdditionalCleanFiles) -> delete
  • macro_additional_clean_files(file1 file2 fileN) -> set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "file1;file2;fileN" )


This file has been removed, instead FeatureSummary.cmake from CMake >= 2.8.6 has to be used, which has even more functionality. Please have a look at the documentation of FeatureSummary.cmake on the cmake manpage.


  • macro_display_feature_log() -> feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGE)


This file is now part of the extra-cmake-modules package and thus has been renamed to ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory.cmake

  • include(MacroOptionalAddSubdirectory) -> include (ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory)
  • macro_optional_add_subdirectory(...) -> ecm_optional_add_subdirectory(...)


This file has been removed, the purpose was broken.

  • include (MacroOptionalDependPackage) -> delete
  • macro_optional_depend_package() -> delete


This file does not exist anymore. Instead, starting with CMake 2.8.6, every find_package() call which is not REQUIRED can be disabled by setting the variable CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<PackageName> to TRUE. This makes this macro unnecessary.

  • include(MacroFindPackage) -> delete
  • macro_optional_find_package(Foo ...) -> find_package(Foo ... )


This file has been merged into CMake, but has been renamed to CMakePushCheckState.cmake.

  • include(MacroPushRequiredVars) -> include(CMakePushCheckState)
  • macro_push_required_vars() -> cmake_push_check_state()
  • macro_pop_required_vars() -> cmake_pop_check_state()


This macro has been merged into CMake, but has been renamed to WriteBasicConfigVersionFile.cmake, also the syntax changed slightly. To get exactly the same behaviour as with the old macro, do as shown below. For details see the documentation in the man page.

  • include(MacroWriteBasicCMakeVersionFile) -> include (WriteBasicConfigVersionFile)
  • macro_write_basic_cmake_version_file(<outfilename> 1 2 3) -> write_basic_config_version_file(<outfilename> VERSION 1.2.3 COMPATIBILITY AnyNewerVersion )


This has been added to CMake and provides the generate_export_header macro. This macro is the replacement of kde4_create_exports_header.