Development/Tutorials/Printing Print Dialog

From KDE TechBase
The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead.
This page needs a review and probably holds information that needs to be fixed.

Parts to be reviewed:

Port to KF5

The mission

To display the Print Dialog and print a document.

KDE uses the Qt Printing infrastructure, but adds extra standard features to the Print Dialog, as well as allowing applications to add their own extensions.

The files


#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QPrinter>

#include <QPrintDialog>
#include <KPrintPreview>

#include <KApplication>
#include <KAboutData>
#include <KAction>
#include <KCmdLineArgs>

This prints Hello World on your printer

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    KAboutData aboutData(
                         // The program name used internally.
                         // The message catalog name
                         // If null, program name is used instead.
                         // A displayable program name string.
                         ki18n("Printing Tutorial"),
                         // The program version string.
                         // Short description of what the app does.
                         ki18n("Displays a KMessageBox popup"),
                         // The license this code is released under
                         // Copyright Statement
                         ki18n("(c) 2006-2011"),
                         // Optional text shown in the About box.
                         // Can contain any information desired.
                         ki18n("Some text..."),
                         // The program homepage string.
                         // The bug report email address
                         "[email protected]");
    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
    KApplication app;

    KAction* m_printPreview = KStandardAction::printPreview(app, SLOT(slotFilePrintPreview()), actionCollection());

    KHelloWorldPrintDialogWidget optionsWidget;

    QPrinter printer;
    QPrintDialog *printDialog = KdePrint::createPrintDialog(&printer, QList<QWidget*>() << &yourOptionsWidget, this);
    printDialog.setWindowTitle(i18n("Print Hello World"));
    if (printDialog.exec()) 
        QPainter painter;
        painter.drawText(100,100,"Hello World");
        if (optionsWidget.printMoreText()) 
        // this makes the print job start

class KHelloWorldPrintDialogWidget : public QWidget
    bool printMoreText();
    void setPrintMoreText(bool state);

    setWindowTitle(i18n("Your Options Tab Title"));

void KHelloWorld::slotFilePrintPreview() 
    QPrinter printer;
    KPrintPreview printPreview(&printer);
    yourPrintDrawingRoutine(printer); // draws to the QPrinter


find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
include_directories( ${KDE4_INCLUDES} )
kde4_add_executable(printhelloworld main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(printhelloworld ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KUTILS_LIBS} ${QT_QTGUI_LIBRARY})

Make and Run

Then do:

cmake .