Archive:Getting Started/Build/KDE4 (zh TW)

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Template:TutorialBrowser (zh TW)


這份教學介紹從 trunk 獲取 KDE 在 Linux/BSD 系統上運行的方法。也有其他教學如 FreeBSD、[[../KDE4/Windows (zh TW)|Windows]]、[[../KDE4/Mac OS X|Mac OS X]] 和 Solaris。本教學將創建一個特殊的使用者:kde-devel,用來執行 KDE trunk。一方面,這使得其他使用者可以繼續使用其他 KDE 版本。另一方面,測試特殊的全系統程式碼,如 KDE 顯示管理員是不可能的。這裡有一個教學設定 KDE 4 trunk 在 virtual machine 上

在整份教學中皆使用 bash shell。

Template:Warning (zh TW)

為 KDE4 開發創建一個使用者賬戶

一些人喜歡為KDE 4使用一個單獨的使用者帳戶(例如一個舊的bug可能會誤刪除檔案),後面的這些說明都是以這種方式進行的。

使用一個單獨的使用者帳戶做任何事情都是很有效率的,有關細節請參考在 KDE4 中使用腳本提高生產力

你還可以遵循下面的指令,但不要把這些環境變數儲存到你的 .bashrc 中,請把他們放到一個單獨的檔案中,以備你在切換到KDE 4環境時使用。


在某些系統上,新使用者的配置在預設情況下使用/bin/sh。使用 /bin/sh 非常不方便工作,您可能需要更改為 /bin/bash 或其他shell。 在 Ark Linux 和 Fedora,你可以用-s /bin/bash切換 /bin/shbash

useradd -m kde-devel -s /bin/bash passwd kde-devel

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Instead of using the commands above, you can also use the User module in the KDE Control Center if you already have KDE3 installed.


從你的普通使用者下複製 ~/.bashrc 到新的 kde-devel 賬戶下。然後,把 .bashrc 範例的內容複製到 ~kde-devel/.bashrc。如果你不能使用 makeobj 指令,請把範例中的 alias make=makeobj 這一行註釋掉。此外,您可以下載 kde-sdk 套件(或執行 subversion checkout)和含入 kde-sdk/scripts/目錄在您的 path。您可能還需要修改 path,以確保它不包括您的KDE3 的路徑。另外,如果你想使用 KDevelop 開發 KDE 4 應用程式您可能要給 cmake 指令加入 -GKDevelop3 參數(以讓 CMake 生成 KDevelop 的專案檔,這將有助於避免在未來的重建,請見這裡)。

為了讓他執行,你必須開啟一個新的bash或執行 source ~/.bashrc

這樣就可以使用本教學中所使用的指令如 cmakekde,同時確保 Qt、KDE、CMake 二進位檔的正確路徑。

更多的資訊,請閱讀在 KDE4 中使用腳本提高生產力教學。


切換到使用者 kde-devel:

ssh -X kde-devel@localhost

If the ssh command fails, check out the Launching KDE 4 apps section of the KDE4 development guide.

Required packages from your distribution

The requirements to build kde4 from source vary from distribution to distribution. Instructions for your distribution are provided below:

Your next compilation step depends on the packages supplied by your distro.

Compiling kde-qt, etc.

If you do not want to use the packages provided by your distro you can compile things like Qt yourself. Instructions for building all dependencies including CMake, Qt4 (kde-qt) and kdesupport are available in the build prerequisites page. Note that automoc, phonon, strigi, soprano, and a few other things are part of kdesupport, so if you have errors about these missing, you'll need to get kdesupport.

Building KDE for development or stable use

The commands below are used to build the latest unstable version of KDE from trunk. This should not be used in a production environment, but is recommended for developers.

To build a stable version, go to:


We can now move on to building KDE's base libraries.

The Recipe

cs # 'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more
mkdir KDE && cd KDE
svn checkout svn://
cd kdelibs

What's Happening

We change to the base source directory (line 1) then make and go into the KDE directory (line 3). We download the sources for kdelibs using subversion (line 4), go into the new ~/kde/src/KDE/kdelibs directory (line 5), and commence the build (line 6). This will leave us in the kdelibs build directory after the build is completed.

Template:Tip (zh TW)

Additional KDE-specific CMake know-how

There are additional CMake modules in kdelibs/cmake/modules/ that are necessary for building KDE4 applications. These will be installed for you when kdelibs itself is installed.

To make a non-debug-release (e.g. suppressing all kDebug() messages), use e.g.

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . && make && make install


For troubleshooting information, see the kdelibs troubleshooting section.


Currently kdebase depends on kdepimlibs so it is required to install it first. These libraries are also shared by other packages such as those within kdepim, kdeutils and kdenetwork.


Download libical from, compile, link and install it.

tar xvzf libical-0.41.tar.gz
cd libical-0.41
./configure && make && make install

The Recipe

cs KDE # 'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more
svn checkout svn://
cd kdepimlibs

What's Happening

We go into the KDE source directory (line 1), download the source code for kdepimlibs using subversion (line 2) and then go into the new ~/kde/src/KDE/kdepimlibs directory (line 3). We then commence the build (line 4). This will leave us in the kdepimlibs build directory after the build is completed.


For troubleshooting information, see the kdepimlibs troubleshooting section.


kdebase is divided into three parts:

  • apps
This contains applications like Dolphin or KWrite.
  • runtime
This contains things needed by every application at runtime, like icons. It is a required dependency for each KDE application, so you have to compile and install this.
  • workspace
This contains things specific to the KDE desktop, like Plasma or the window manager. Most stuff here depends on X11. You only need it if you want to build a full KDE desktop.

You can build all of kdebase at once, which is described in the recipe below. If you only want to build kdebase-runtime, which is the only requirement, you can replace cd kdebase with cd kdebase/runtime in the recipe below.

The Recipe

cs KDE # 'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more
svn checkout svn://
cd kdebase


For troubleshooting information, see the kdebase troubleshooting section.


Most KDE users are going to install translations before being able to use their desktop properly. Full information is given in the Localisation tutorial at Development/Tutorials/Localization/Building_KDE's_l10n_Module. For a single language, the following receipe installs messages and translated documentation:

The Receipe

cs KDE # 'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more
svn checkout -N svn://
cd l10n-kde4
svn checkout scripts <language>
./scripts/ <language>
cd <language>

Running KDE 4 programs

You can now run KDE 4 programs (e.g. kwrite) by typing:

ssh -X kde-devel@localhost


For troubleshooting issues see troubleshooting running programs.

生成本地 API 文件

See the generating apidox page.

Staying up to date

In order to keep the kde4 installation up to date, each of the modules installed should be updated periodically. As Monday is the day for big changes in kdelibs, Tuesday may be the best day to do this. For each module checked out, run svn up and make.

For example: cs kdesupport # cs is not a typo svn up cb # cb is not a typo make install

Note: it is not necessary to run cmakekde for updates.

Installing a subset of a module

Many modules in KDE contain a large number of programs which could take a long time to download and compile. In cases where you want to work only on a particular program or programs in a module, it is possible to download and compile particular folders. In some cases, certain folders are required for any build of the module. This is determined in the CMakeLists.txt file of the module. For example the kdegames CMakeLists.txt file lists:

add_subdirectory(libkdegames) add_subdirectory(libkmahjongg)

macro_optional_add_subdirectory(doc) macro_optional_add_subdirectory(lskat) macro_optional_add_subdirectory(katomic)

So, the libkdegames and libkmahjongg directories are required to build any of kdegames. The cmake directory will also usually be required. All the other directories (doc, katomic etc) are optional. They will be built if present on your machine. In this example, we build kmahjongg and kbattleship:

cs KDE svn co -N svn:// # The -N switch performs a non-recursive checkout cd kdegames svn co svn:// # Get required directories svn co svn:// svn co svn:// svn co svn:// # Get optional directories svn co svn:// cmakekde


You are now ready to start building other svn modules in the same fashion as you built kdebase, running and testing KDE4 or writing your own patches and applications.

For further isolation of your development environment change symbolic links, which you will see after executing ls -lh $(kde4-config --localprefix), assuming newly installed kde4-config is called.

See the Set up KDE 4 for development tutorial for how to start KDE 4 applications and how to use KDevelop to work on them.

For most of what you need to know on patches see: Contributing/Sending Patches