Archive:Development/Tools (zh TW)

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Revision as of 15:57, 28 November 2009 by Alisha (talk | contribs)





Valgrind 協助檢查記憶體洩漏和未初始化記憶體區塊。另外他還能用來分析性能及其它,總而言之,Valgrind 是開發過程中很重要的工具之一!
The GNU Project Debugger (GDB)
GDB 協助原始碼除錯。GDB 仍在不斷進化,推薦使用6.0以後版本。圖形化的介面也出現了,請見下文。也請參閱除錯教學,[[../Tutorials/Debugging/Debugging with GDB|使用 GDB 除錯]]。
KDbg 和 DDD
KDbgDDD 是 GDB 的圖形介面,可以設定中斷點,單步執行等。
MS Windows 工具(Process Explorer、Console、WinDbg、DebugView...)
更多資訊請見KDE on Windows 網頁


KDevelop 是一個開發 KDE 和 Qt C++ 應用程式的優秀IDE。It includes a an integrated debugger, a powerful editor with syntax highlighting, a Project wizard to create applications from templates, the automake/autoconf gunk, and even the class documentation. Further details can also be found in the KDevelop wiki.
Instructions on how to use KDevelop with KDE 4 applications is available at this page
Qt Designer
With Trolltechs Qt Designer it is easy to layout user interfaces like buttons and checkboxes. Additional features are undo/redo, checking accelerator conflicts etc. Qt Designer allows even non-programmers to help design KDE dialogs. Further details can be found in the tutorial Using Qt Designer and in the Qt documentation.
MS Visual Studio® Express 2005 IDE (僅適用 Windows)
Visual C++® 2005 Express Edition [1] is the free version of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 compiler from Microsoft, which is officially supported by Trolltech since Qt 4.3.2. It is a choice for compiling Qt and KDE applications on Windows. more info...


Lokalize 是一個編輯和管理 gettext PO 檔的工具。 Its main part is a powerful and comfortable PO file editor which features full navigation capabilities, full editing functionality, possibility to search for translations in different dictionaries, spell and syntax checking, showing diffs and many more.
Also included is a "Catalog Manager", a file manager view which helps in keeping an overview of PO files. Last but not least it includes a standalone dictionary application as an additional possibility to access Lokalize's powerful dictionaries. Lokalize will help you to translate fast and also keep consistent translations.
Dr. Klash
這個小工具,啟動後可以提交一份選單中衝突的快捷鍵報告。這不僅有助於翻譯,也輔助了開發。簡單編輯 `kde-config --localprefix`/share/config/kdeglobals 啟動此功能:

[Development] CheckAccelerators=F12 AutoCheckAccelerators=false AlwaysShowCheckAccelerators=false

Pressing F12 will show a dialog containing which accelerators in the currently focussed interface conflict and provide suggestions for new accelerators. If no accelerators conflict or Dr. Klash has nothing to suggest, no popup dialog will be displayed.
With AutoCheckAccelerators enabled the dialog will popup automatically if a conflict exists and AlwaysShowCheckAccelerators can force the dialog to always popup even if there are no conflicts to report.
x-test 語言
這種輔助語言用於除錯,幫助人們找到應用程式中未翻譯的字串。如果您在「x-test」環境中啟動應用程式,將顯示所有尾部和頭部 xx's 的翻譯字串。首先,你要從 l10n-kde4/x-test 檢查這些「翻譯」並安裝它們。
在您建構 l10n-kde4/x-test 並安裝它後,執行您的應用程式使用「x-test」環境。可以透過如下指令啟動:
> KDE_LANG=x-test kspread
這將使用的「x-test」環境啟動 KSpread 不論你目前的語言設定。查詢沒有 xx's 的字串。如果xx's是缺少自字串,它可能是由於缺少i18n要求,甚至丟失或不正確生成的 .pot 檔。查閱 i18n 教學了解進一步資料。
檢查未翻譯的字串時,一定要檢查所有的 WhatsThis 幫助和工具提示( tooltips)。



msgid "&New Tab"
msgstr "Neues &Unterfenster"

The string to be translated is given on the msgid line. The translated string is on the msgstr line. Notice that the exact same string to translate came from and also from This saves the translators from having to translate the same identical string twice.

您也可以使用 Lokalize 檢查.po檔。Lokalize 是 kdesdk 模塊的一部分。

Template:Note (zh TW)


獲取關於 KDE 安裝的資訊- kde-config
kde-config 工具協助發現更多關於 KDE 安裝資訊。
用腳本驅動 Konqueror - kfmclient
kfmclient 是用於和 Konqueror 通訊的小工具。
更新使用者配置檔案 - kconf_update
kconf_update 是設計更新配置檔案的工具。
生成 apidox
協助從程式碼開發和生成 API 文件。
一個用於構建 KDE 4 的協助工具。他會自動產生 moc-檔案。
此工具協助跟踪 SVN 分支合併


Continuous Building - Dashboard
all kde modules on Dirk's dashboard
some kde software on win32 dashboard
kdelibs on kitware
English Breakfast Network - 靜態分析
Krazy - 程式碼分析, 使用教學
Sanitizer - DocBook 檢查