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KDE PIM/Akonadi/Supported Types

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 08:14, 25 July 2017 by Vkrause (talk | contribs) (Microblogs/Status)
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Supported Payload Types

Overview on the current state of support for various types.

Mail / News

Payload Parts: envelope, head, full
Serialization Format: MIME, modified IMAP ENVELOPE
Resources: maildir, mbox, mixedmaildir (legacy), IMAP, NNTP, POP3
Agents: mail filter, sent later, maildispatcher, Nepomuk feeder, archive
Applications: KMail, LionMail


Payload Parts: full
Serialization Format: ICAL
Resources: ical file, ical dir, Google Calendar, Facebook, CalDAV, Kolab, KRes (legacy)
Agents: Nepomuk feeder
Applications: KOrganizer, Plasma Calendar, Zanshin


Payload Parts: full
Serialization Format: vCard
Resources: vcard file, vcard dir, Google, Facebook, CardDAV, Kolab, KRes (legacy), KDE Accounts, SugarCRM (playground)
Agents: Nepomuk feeder
Applications: KAddressBook, auto-completion all over Kontact


Payload Parts: full
Serialization Format: MIME
Resources: KNotes (legacy), maildir, Kolab
Applications: KJots


cf. Akregator porting branch


abandoned prototype


Payload Parts: full
Serialization Format: ICAL
Resources: KAlarm
Agents: -
Applications: KAlarm