Contribuer/Liste des Modules KDE
cleanup confusing sections and fix sections which contain a todo
Ce document donne un aperçu des différentes modules présents dans les dépôts KDE.
Voir aussi la liste des coordinateurs par module.
Nom du module | Description | Distribution | Exemple |
qt-copy | Qt | Qt | Qt Designer |
kdelibs | Librairie de base | KDE | Plasma |
KDE Base Apps | Outils de programmation de base | KDE | Konqueror |
kdesupport | Libraires de support | KDE | Oxygen |
kdenetwork | Réseau | KDE | Kopete |
kdepim | Gestion des informations personnelles | KDE | KMail |
kdegraphics | Affichage et manipulation d'images | KDE | KolourPaint |
kdeutils | Utilitaires | KDE | Okteta |
kdeedu | Éducation | KDE | KStars |
kdegames | Jeux | KDE | KMahjongg |
kdeartwork | Artwork supplémentaires pour KDE | KDE | Screensavers |
kdemultimedia | Multimédia | KDE | JuK |
kdeaccessibility | Outils pour personnes invalides | KDE | KMouth |
kdebindings | Liaisons entre langages de programmation | KDE | Kross |
kdesdk | Outils de développement | KDE | Lokalize |
kdetoys | Jouets | KDE | kteatime |
kdeadmin | Administration système | KDE | KSystemLog |
l10n-kde4 | Traduction | L10N | British English (en_GB) |
kwebdev | Développement Web | KDE | KFileReplace |
extragear-accessibility | Logiciels d’accessibilité supplémentaire | Extra | Simon |
extragear-base | Logiciels de base supplémentaires | Extra | BlueDevil |
extragear-games | Jeux supplémentaires | Extra | Knights |
extragear-graphics | Logiciels graphiques supplémentaires | Extra | digiKam |
extragear-kdevelop | Environnement de développement | Extra | KDevelop |
extragear-multimedia | Logiciels multimédia supplémentaires | Extra | K3B |
extragear-network | Logiciels réseau supplémentaires | Extra | Konversation |
extragear-office | Logiciels de bureautique supplémentaires | Extra | Kile |
extragear-pim | Logiciels de gestion des informations personnelles supplémentaires | Extra | KSig |
extragear-sdk | Outils de développement supplémentaires | Extra | Massif Visualizer |
extragear-sysadmin | Logiciels d'administration du système supplémentaires | Extra | kiosktool |
extragear-utils | Logiciels utilitaires supplémentaires | Extra | Krusader |
extragear-libs | Libraires supplémentaires | Extra | libkgapi |
calligra | Calligraphie | Calligra | Krita |
koffice | KOffice | KOffice | KWord |
www | Sites Web | Web | KDE Web Site |
kdereview | Nouvelles applications | Never | - |
playground-artwork | Sandbox artwork | Never | Dekorator |
playground-base | Sandbox logiciels de base | Sometimes | Public Transport applet |
playground-edu | Sandbox éductation | Sometimes | KVerbos |
playground-games | Sandbox jeux | Sometimes | KBackgammon |
playground-graphics | Sandbox graphigues | Sometimes | Cirkuit |
playground-ioslaves | KIO slave sandbox | Sometimes | kio_locate |
playground-multimedia | Sandbox multimédia | Sometimes | Audex |
playground-network | Sandbox réseau | Sometimes | Smb4K |
playground-office | Sandbox Office | Sometimes | Kraft |
playground-pim | Sandbox gestion des informations personnelles | Sometimes | Zanshin |
playground-sdk | Sandbox développement | Sometimes | Cocoon |
playground-sysadmin | Sandbox administration du système | Sometimes | Shaman |
playground-utils | Sandbox utilitaires | Sometimes | GwenRename |
kde-common | Matériel d'aministrative | Never | Accounts |
Release rhythms:
- Qt: Qt Project has its own release cycles for Qt.
- KDE: released with KDE (2 per year).
- Calligra: released with Calligra (2 per year).
- KOffice: released with KOffice.
- Extra: Each program has its own release cycle.
- L10N: the translations are released with the corresponding programs.
- Web: web sites are normally synchronized every half-an-hour.
- Sometimes: these modules are relesed at the developer's wish.
- Never: these modules are never released.
Most Basic System
TODO (In short: the most basic system is made of Qt, arts, kdelibs, kdebase). ???Recommended minimal: add kdegraphics and kdepim???
Qt-copy is a convenience to avoid to have to patch the official Qt release. (Note: it is not a fork.) Nevertheless KDE works with official Qt versions and also with Qt snapshots (except major bugs of course). Using snapshots is not recommended for using a stable KDE.
TODO (in short: the KIOSK mode allows to forbid users to change certain settings in KDE.) Further information: KDE System Administration Kiosk Introduction
TODO (in short: these modules are the sandboxes for developers. Programs here might not work.)
The kdeextragear modules contains stable applications that are not released with KDE but that have their own release schedule.
TODO: (in short: write protect by default.)