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KALEngine tutorial
Tutorial Series   KALEngine developement
Prerequisites   None
What's Next   Nothing at the moment
Further Reading   KGLEngine2d's code


Phonon is not really designed to handle multiple sounds at the same time. Gluon's audio module is made for games and create one thread per sound, using the openAL library. You also get all the other openAL goodness like 3D sounds, effects and multichannel.

The Code

In this example, we will play a simple sound file as "Hello Word".

#include "audio/sound.h"

#include <QtCore/QDebug>

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    // create a sound object
    GluonAudio::Sound* sound = new GluonAudio::Sound;

    // load KDE's log in sound to the object
    sound->load( "/usr/share/sounds/KDE-Sys-Log-In-Long.ogg" );

    // set sound volume, it can be between 0 and 1
    sound->setVolume( 0.9 );

    // print the elapsed time until the sound has finished playing
    qDebug() << "Playing sound with duration" << sound->duration() << "seconds.";

    // play the sound

    // wait until playing is finished
    while( sound->isPlaying() );

    // clear the buffer
    delete sound;

    return 0;

- First, we create a GluonAudio::Sound. GluonAudio::Sound can be used for playing small sounds (shoot, scream, tic, walk, etc). It will load the entire file inside a buffer, so be careful if you try to play a big file using it.

If you want to try playing something else than KDE's log in sound, you can download a sample ocean sound and replace the sound load definition by:

    sound->load( "ocean.wav" );

You can only use it to play ogg or wav file at the moment, but we hope to bring more audio support soon.

- The sound can now be played by simply calling play(). This function is asynchronous, meaning your program doesn't have to wait until the sound has finished playing to continue.

- Then, to know when the sound has ended, we use sound->isPlaying().

- Finally, we have to clear the GluonAudio::Sound buffer by deleting the GluonAudio::Sound pointer.


sound1->play(); sound2->play();

...to develop

3d sound

KALSource->setPosition(x,y,z) ...to develop

For more information on how OpenAL works, see the documentation [OpenAL programmers Guide ]

Create KALStream