< Marble
Task Maintenance
- DONE Marble: Show constellations in Marble's Stars Plugin
- DONE "Add more ""Normal Oxygen Colors"" to MarbleGlobal.h"
- TODO Create a map of the Jupiter moon Io for Marble
- Marble: Add the zodiac constellations to the stars plugin
- Marble: Constellations around the poles
- DONE Marble: Create the 1589 Jode historic map theme
- DONE Marble: Create a float item for the copy-right/license attribution
- Marble: Improve the Historic Map Theme Legend from the map of 1744 and 1786
- DONE Marble: KML ScreenOverlay Rendering
- DONE Marble: Extend the Stars Plugin to have a configuration dialog
- Marble: Create the 1502 Cantino historic map theme
- REV Marble: Improve Marble's Measure Plugin usability
- DONE Marble: Complete the OpenStreetMap legend
- Marble: Create the 1544 Battista Agnese historic map theme
- Marble: Add autumn constellations to the stars plugin
- PART Marble: Add a License Information tag to our DGML files
- TODO Marble: Create placemarks for Io
- Marble KML support: Verify that <hotspot> and <scale> work as specified
- DONE Marble: Disable 'Atmosphere' menu entry for bodies without atmosphere
- DONE Marble: Render a copyright/license notice into the printed map
- Marble: Create a new OverViewMap for Mars
- Marble: Add atmosphere related attributes for celestial bodies
- DONE Marble: Implement the KML random color mode
- DONE Marble: Render a copyright/license notice into the copied map
- DONE Marble: Add Deep Sky Objects to Stars Plugin
- DONE Marble: Add an attribution attribute to the License tag parser and display the License/Attribution accordingly
- REV Marble: Support remote images/icons in KML
- DONE Marble: KML ScreenOverlay reader
- Marble: Add winter constellations to the stars plugin
- Marble: Add the spring constellations to the stars plugin
- Marble: Add constellations of the summer triangle to the stars plugin
- DONE Marble: Clip constellation lines properly in the stars plugin
- DONE Marble: Invoke WebPopupItem instead of PlacemarkInfoDialog whenever the Placemark's role is empty.
- DONE Marble: Dialog style for the webpopup render plugin
- TODO "Marble: Update the ""Earth at Night"" Map with the ""Black Marble"" texture data"
- TODO Marble: Create a map of the Jupiter moon Europa for Marble
- DONE Marble: Extend the Stars Plugin's configuration dialog
- DONE Marble: Draw the celestial north pole and south pole in the stars plugin
- Marble: Make the Flickr Online Plugin use the new webpopup item
- Marble: Create a webview float item
- Marble: fix planet order
- DONE Marble: Save the celestial body with bookmarks
- DONE Marble: Test case for KML Ground Overlay
- DONE Marble: Add more DSOs and Constellations to the Stars Plugin
- DONE Marble: Implement webpopup alignment with correct arrow positions
- DONE Marble: Implement support for text and background color in webpopup