Projects/KDE on Windows/Development Workflow
Development Workflow for KDE on Windows
Under Contruction!
Before we start: This page will not tell you how to diagnose and address problems or shortcomings in source code and build files. We assume you know all that already, or are willing to read up on any missing bits, on your own (but for some hints on useful tools and techniques, be sure to visit Development/Tutorials/Debugging/Debugging on MS Windows, and Projects/KDE on Windows/Tools. The pupose of this page is to give you an outline of the specific steps needed for preparing, testing, and publishing patches in the KDE on Windows project.
Use emerge
You are using emerge to build your KDE on Windows development environment, right? If not, start doing so now. It's mandatory. Some variables to check in your emerge setup:
- EMERGE_BUILDTYPE: You may want to set this to "Debug"
- EMERGE_LOG_DIR: Setting this is highly useful, so you can review (long) build logs.
- GIT_AUTHOR_*/GIT_COMMITTER_*: Useful if you want to be able to make commits directly from your source tree.
- Be sure you are on the branch you want to be on!
Where are the emerge build files
Where are the sources
- git / svn / others
Debugging and testing
- build directory
- mingw32-make
- emerge -i
- emerge --update
- diffutils
Creating patches
- emerge --createpatch
- Adding to
- Renaming
- Don't forget to test from a clean workdir.
Review and Pushing
- reviewboard, mailing list, IRC
- git commands (short)
- merging to / from master