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作出贡献/ KDE 模块列表

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 05:32, 3 December 2012 by Berryboy2012 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "这个文档提供了对于 KDE 的资料库不同模块的一个概览")

这个文档提供了对于 KDE 的资料库不同模块的一个概览


See also list of module coordinators.

Module Name Description Release Example
qt-copy Qt Qt Qt Designer
kdelibs Basic libraries KDE Plasma
KDE Base Apps Basic programs and utilities KDE Konqueror
kdesupport Support libraries KDE Oxygen
kdenetwork Network KDE Kopete
kdepim Personal Information Management KDE KMail
kdegraphics Image viewing and manipulation KDE KolourPaint
kdeutils Utilities KDE Okteta
kdeedu Education KDE KStars
kdegames Games KDE KMahjongg
kdeartwork Additional artwork for KDE KDE Screensavers
kdemultimedia Multimedia KDE JuK
kdeaccessibility Tools for disabled people KDE KMouth
kdebindings Bindings to programming languages KDE Kross
kdesdk Programming Tools KDE Lokalize
kdetoys Toys KDE kteatime
kdeadmin System Administration KDE KSystemLog
l10n-kde4 Translations L10N British English (en_GB)
kwebdev Web development KDE KFileReplace
extragear-accessibility Extra accessibility programs Extra Simon
extragear-base Extra base programs Extra BlueDevil
extragear-games Extra games Extra Knights
extragear-graphics Extra graphic programs Extra digiKam
extragear-kdevelop Developing Environment Extra KDevelop
extragear-multimedia Extra mutlimedia programs Extra K3B
extragear-network Extra network programs Extra Konversation
extragear-office Extra office programs Extra Kile
extragear-pim Extra PIM programs Extra KSig
extragear-sdk Extra development tools Extra Massif Visualizer
extragear-sysadmin Extra system administration programs Extra kiosktool
extragear-utils Extra utility programs Extra Krusader
extragear-libs Extra libraries Extra libkgapi
calligra Calligra Calligra Krita
koffice KOffice KOffice KWord
www Web Sites Web KDE Web Site
kdereview New applications Never -
playground-artwork Artwork sandbox Never Dekorator
playground-base Basic application sandbox Sometimes Public Transport applet
playground-edu Education sandbox Sometimes KVerbos
playground-games Game sandbox Sometimes KBackgammon
playground-graphics Graphics sandbox Sometimes Cirkuit
playground-ioslaves KIO slave sandbox Sometimes kio_locate
playground-multimedia Multimedia sandbox Sometimes Audex
playground-network Network sandbox Sometimes Smb4K
playground-office Office sandbox Sometimes Kraft
playground-pim PIM sandbox Sometimes Zanshin
playground-sdk Development sandbox Sometimes Cocoon
playground-sysadmin System administration sandbox Sometimes Shaman
playground-utils Utility sandbox Sometimes GwenRename
kde-common Administrative stuff Never Accounts

Release rhythms:

  • Qt: Qt Project has its own release cycles for Qt.
  • KDE: released with KDE (2 per year).
  • Calligra: released with Calligra (2 per year).
  • KOffice: released with KOffice.
  • Extra: Each program has its own release cycle.
  • L10N: the translations are released with the corresponding programs.
  • Web: web sites are normally synchronized every half-an-hour.
  • Sometimes: these modules are relesed at the developer's wish.
  • Never: these modules are never released.

Most Basic System

TODO (In short: the most basic system is made of Qt, arts, kdelibs, kdebase). ???Recommended minimal: add kdegraphics and kdepim???


Qt-copy is a convenience to avoid to have to patch the official Qt release. (Note: it is not a fork.) Nevertheless KDE works with official Qt versions and also with Qt snapshots (except major bugs of course). Using snapshots is not recommended for using a stable KDE.


TODO (in short: the KIOSK mode allows to forbid users to change certain settings in KDE.) Further information: KDE System Administration Kiosk Introduction


TODO (in short: these modules are the sandboxes for developers. Programs here might not work.)


See Application Lifecycle


The kdeextragear modules contains stable applications that are not released with KDE but that have their own release schedule.

See extragear.kde.org.


TODO: (in short: write protect by default.)