Getting Started
The following steps are mandatory:
- get source
- configure your build system with CMake
- compile Rocs
- install Rocs
- setup your KDEDIRS path and run kbuildsycoca4
- run Rocs
Now the steps with more details:
Get the Source
You can fetch the sources from [Rocs Projects Page] by cloning the Git repository. Let's say you fetch the source to: "$HOME/rocs-source"
Configure Your Build-System
Next, we need folders for building and for installing Rocs. Let's say
- $HOME/rocs-build
- $HOME/rocs-install
Then we need to say the build-scripts that those folders exist. Very comfortable this can be done by using the program cmake-gui. Take care to set the following:
- Source-directory is: $HOME/rocs-source
- Build-directory is: $HOME/rocs-build
- set: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = debugfull
- set: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = $HOME/rocs-install
Then press "configure" to see if all necessary libraries are present. Finally generate make-files if nothing is red anymore.
Run Rocs
It is necessary that the following two steps are done:
- export KDEDIRS=$HOME/rocs-install:$KDEDIRS
- kbuildsycoca4
Finally, you can run Rocs by executing the compiled and installed binary in $HOME/rocs-install.