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Archive:Development/FAQs/General FAQ (zh TW)

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Development/FAQs/General FAQ


我們都同意,需要大量的 KDE 應用程式加入。但也有很多現有的 KDE 應用程式需要你的幫助。

在開始新的應用程式前,檢查 KDE-Apps.org 上現有的應用程式,並詢問 [email protected] 郵件列表是否有人已經制訂類似的專案是一個好主意。

我是開發人員,我要如何幫助 KDE 呢?

Check the open jobs from the job list, there is certainly one that you can take. KOffice and KDevelop, despite being very praised, have very few developers, so you might check there. There is no need to be a KDE core-developer to help. KDE is very modular so you can perfectely improve one area without knowing how the whole system works.

You can also ask on kde-devel if someone needs help on an application. Use the latest version of KDE and spot things that are needed. A theme generator? A konsole schema editor? Improve a game? There is always a small feature missing. Go and implement it!

Are you familiar or attracted with a specific field? See if there is a related application that could use your help. Or write one. KDE needs more non-geek oriented applications.


有大量不需要開發技術的任務。撰寫應用程式評論幫助 KDE 推廣(請見 kde-promo 郵件列表),幫助文件團隊(請見 i18n.kde.org/doc),協助翻譯(請見 i18n.kde.org),幫助過濾加入的bug(請見bugs.kde.org)。

在哪裡可以找到 Konqi 龍的圖像?

The Konqi for some people SDK is at ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/devel/konqi_sdk.tar.bz2
It was posted to artist.kde.org before that site ceased to be updated.

Further images are on KDE merchandise.

貢獻 KDE 需要什麼樣的水準?我應該學習什麼?我應該閱讀什麼?

您需要了解 C++。閱讀 Qt 的教學和瀏覽 Qt 的文件來熟悉 Qt。然後閱讀KDE的教學和瀏覽架構和文件。您還可以閱讀KDE的書籍。但你不用熟悉整個 KDE 的架構成為 KDE 開發者。使用 KDE 的技術是很容易的,所以集中在你真正需要的,你可以以後再學習其他部分。KDE TechBasedoc.qt.nokia.com (或者在您的 $QTDIR/doc/html) 是寶貴的資源,要善用它們。然後瀏覽原始碼,尋找範例目錄,看看其他應用程式的寫法。讀寫程式碼是最好的學習方法。

什麼是 SVN?我如何從 SVN 得到 KDE?

請見Anonymous SVN page.

Can I access KDE source code online?


What should I put in my .subversion/config?

[miscellany] global-ignores = *.moc *.moc.cc *.moc.cpp config.log config.status \ config.cache *.gmo .deps .libs SunWS_cache *.lo *.la *.rpo *.la.closure \

  • _la_closure.cpp *_la_closure.cc *_la_closure.cxx *.all_cc.cc *.all_cpp.cpp \
  • .all_C.C *.all_cxx.cxx *_meta_unload.cc *_meta_unload.h *_meta_unload.cpp \
  • _meta_unload.C *_meta_unload.cxx index.cache.bz2 .memdump Makefile.rules.in \

Makefile.calls.in Makefile.rules Makefile.calls autom4te.cache *.kidl \

  • .o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej *.pyc

And to make svn diff ignore whitespace, and print function names: [helpers] diff-cmd = /usr/local/bin/_svndiff

with the following in /usr/local/bin/_svndiff: #!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/diff -b -u -p "$@"

Don't forget to make /usr/local/bin/_svndiff executable.

I want to put my app in KDE

There are three requirements:

  • your app must compile with the latest version of KDE (SVN trunk).
  • your app must be stable.
  • your app must be maintained. You will probably get a good deal of bug reports and wishes. People expect you to fix the bugs and implement the wishes that make sense.

See also the next question.

Is it better to develop inside or outside KDE?

As core developer Waldo Bastian explains in a copyrighted mail:

Being part of KDE means that you have to work together with others. Such cooperation brings along advantages but it also brings along responsibilities.

Some of those advantages are: your code ends up on all distro's, people might fix your bugs, you get free translations and documentation, you get tons of bugreports.

On the other side there are disadvantages and responsibilities: you will have to communicate with other developers about your work, other people might make changes to your code, you will have to respect release freezes, you get tons of bugreports and people actually expect that you fix them as well (what are they smoking?), people expect you to maintain your code.

You can't chose for the advantages and ignore the responsibilities that come with it, it's a complete package, it's both or nothing.

In general it should be the author of a piece of software that chooses to put his application in SVN. We usualy don't put software in KDE SVN unless the author wishes to do so. The other way around, if the author prefers to work on his application outside SVN then that's his right as well. Unless there is a split in the actual group of people working on the application it makes no sense to fork the development of an application because of that.

BUT... by putting your code under and open source license and putting it in KDE SVN you give the world at large, as well as KDE in particular, the irrevocable right to use your code. And KDE will use that right at its discretion to protect the interests of KDE, even if that goes against the wishes of the author at that point in time.

It is important to know that but don't be afraid. Usually, things work very well. In 5 years, it has only happened once that a developer had his work put kept in KDE while he wanted to remove it.

How do I get SVN access to kde?

See full article at Contribute > Get a SVN Account.

Send a mail to sysadmin (at) kde (dot) org justify why you need SVN access. Make sure to specify your full name and e-mail address, if the From field in your mails doesn't specify them.

Please include the name of your bugs.kde.org account, if non-existent please create one so that it can be given usual developer rights. Closing bugs.kde.org reports with keywords in commit comments only works if the email address of your SVN and bugs.kde.org accounts match. You can change your bugs.kde.org address in the Bugzilla user settings.

You can currently choose between the standard SVN protocol (https using a password) and the svn+ssh using an ssh key. If you choose https, send also an encrypted password (for instance using useradd dummy ; passwd dummy ; grep dummy /etc/passwd /etc/shadow) and see also the tutorial. If you choose svn+ssh, send a public ssh key instead (e.g. ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub)

See also #How do I create a SSH key?

If you are contributing to an application that is not yours, it is a good idea to first submitting your coding as patches to the author and let him apply them. If the author is not maintaining his application, you might become the new maintainer...

Although there is no restrictions on SVN rights, we expect you not to mess up other developers' code without their consent. You must also respect the feature freezes of the release schedule (published on developer.kde.org)

A detailed list of rules you should follow when committing to the KDE SVN repository are listed in the KDE SVN Commit Policy.

My app is not stable but I would like to have it in KDE

As a first step, we can put it in playground (=kde-alpha). Develop it there and when it is ready, ask your app to be moved to the appropriate KDE package or the extragear module.

I don't want to lose my SVN history.

This is no longer possible with Subversion. Maybe in the future, if the server is upgraded and allows that.

What is kdebindings?

It contains Qt/KDE bindings for Java to use Qt/KDE classes with Java, DCOP bindings for C, Java, Perl, Python to use DCOP in those langages and XParts to embed non-KDE apps as a KPart. There are also other bindings for kde which are not maintained by KDE. Check the binding page of developer.kde.org.

Does the feature freeze apply to playground?

No, playground are not a released packages. The same is true for kdereview and extragear: they are not frozen and released. But if you want your app to move to a package, ask for it before the beta-release.

Can I have a stable and an unstable KDE on the same computer?

Yes, check the Building 2 Versions documentation.

How do I know which version of Qt/KDE I am using?

Launch the KDE Control Center. The splash screen includes Kde version information.

kde-config and all kde programs accept --version as argument.

Qt-copy or Qt from trolltech.com : if one were doing a clean build of trunk, which would be preferable?

You can use either. They are binary compatible (forward and backward). There can be, however, a few bugfixes in qt-copy over the most recent Qt release. Especially if building from qt-copy, pay attention to the apply-patches script.

How can I checkout a single directory from a SVN module?

Checkout the top-level dir with 'svn co -N /modulename', 'cd modulename', 'svn up admin' to get the admin/ dir and then finally checkout the dir you want with 'svn up subdir'

For instance, to get only reaktivate from playground/utils:

svn co -N /playground/utils; svn up reaktivate

Then compile as usual.

The same answer applies to the question "How do I get a single language out of kde-i18n?".

If you don't know the name of the directory you want to check out, you can browse websvn.kde.org to find it.

How can I get one of the KDE application as a standalone tarball?

kdesdk/scripts/svn2dist is a script to extract an application from the KDE source tree and package it as a standalone application.

How do I close my own bug reports?

If you reported a bug that is fixed in a new release of KDE but is still reported as open, you can close it. It might happens because your bug is the same as another one, or simply because the developer fixed something without noticing that it would correct your bug.

You can do that from your Subversion commit. To do so, append to your commit message a line like this:

Where XXXXX is the bug report you want to close. If the report you're closing is adding a new feature, you can use FEATURE instead of BUG.

Managing a bug list is a huge task for the developers and they usually have a lot of bugs listed, some being fixed already without their knowledge, some being unreproducable, some without enough information to be corrected, etc. If you can help managing and updating the list of outstanding bug, you will be gladly welcome. And you will receive an even happier welcome if you provide a patch.

How do I create a SSH key?

SSH makes use of two keys: a private key and a public key. You should keep the private key secret at all times and only place it on machines over which you have direct control. Public, shared, and community machines are not suitable environments to store SSH private keys. Take action to help prevent theft of your SSH private key data. Setting a password on your SSH private key will help reduce the risks involved with private key theft.

Generate a key pair for each major location you work from. This helps to reduce the impact when your key gets stolen. When someone obtains access to your private key, your key can be abused in attempts to compromise KDE servers. Well known open source projects have been compromised this way in the past, YOU must help us to make sure that this doesn't happen with KDE servers as well. For that reason it is important to notify sysadmin (at) kde (dot) org immediately when you notice that someone may have had access to your private key for example when a computer on which it was stored has been hacked or infected with a virus, worm or trojan.

If you choose to make a backup of your SSH private key data, please ensure that any such backup is stored in a secure manner as well.

For the practical part, the following command can be used to generate a SSH private/public key pair with

ssh-keygen -t dsa

This will create a private key as ~/.ssh/id_dsa and a public key as ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub.

There are times when you may want to use a key of a different name to the default, perhaps to use seperate keys for different projects. To let SSH know which key you want to use for KDE.org, you can keep a list of servers and their corresponding keys in ~/.ssh/config. For example,

Host svn.kde.org 
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa_kde 

In order to use SSH to access KDE servers you need to send your public key to sysadmin (at) kde (dot) org.

How can I monitor changes made by others?

The kde-commits mailinglist carries automatic notifications for all changes made in the KDE SVN repository. The KDE-Commits mailinglist is very high traffic. An alternative is CommitFilter which allows you to get notification for only those areas that interest you.