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About Marble
Examples of Use
Using the Marble Widget in other applications
Programming Coordination
So you are new to Marble development ...
First you should read our Manifesto that describes our aims. This is important so we don't loose focus:
Now you should obtain the Marble source code and start to compile it. This page tells you how to do it:
While you are compiling and checking out you can start to read a series of blog entries. These are a bit outdated already when it comes to details. But the basic concepts still apply:
Now you should be ready to start. For a start you can look at our page of Junior Jobs:
Have Fun!
User Interface
Texture Mapping
GeoData Library / KML
GeoPainter / DGML
Marble Runner
Tile Download
Mapping Coordination
Summaries and logs of scheduled Marble meetings can be found on the following pages: