Archive:Getting Started/Sources/Anonymous SVN (zh CN)
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现在有好几个Linux发行版已经提供了KDE SVN包,因此从源代码开始构建Qt和KDE已经不再需要了,见发行版本;有具体信息和相关指导。
First, install the subversion (svn) binary if it isn't already on your computer. Your operating system should have a package for it. Alternatively you can download and compile it yourself via the svn project download page. Please read the KDE Subversion tutorial if you are interested in how to use Subversion.
/trunk/是基于Qt4的KDE 4开发基础。下面是要构建 KDE 和KDE软件所需的最少模块数了:
svn co svn:// svn co svn://
qt-copy是最新的稳定版Qt,KDE可以稳定的在上面运行,放在SVN里为方便大家。 It also contains patches by KDE developers that haven't found their way to Qt yet. 建议那些再KDE主干(trunk)上开发的人使用。用下列命令可以获取qt-copy:
svn co svn://
svn co svn://
If you want additional software packages you can check out the following modules within trunk/ as well:
koffice extragear playground kdereview
svn co svn://
If you are checking out modules from trunk/ you may be able to save time by using snapshots. Using Subversion trunk snapshots is described at the Subversion snapshots tutorial page.
If you want to track KDE 3 rather than the bleeding edge, you may retrieve the KDE 3.5 sources using:
svn co svn:// svn co svn://
svn co svn://
KDE modules are also tagged at each release so that it is possible to get a specific release of KDE. Most KDE modules have a tag name in the format tags/KDE/X.Y.Z (where X, Y and Z represent the exact version). The arts module (only needed for KDE 2 and KDE 3) has a different format of tag name, tags/arts/X.Y.Z. For instance to get kdelibs as it was shipped in KDE 3.5.0, do:
svn co svn://
如果你要更新你的KDE 3.5.5,用下列命令:
svn switch svn://
If you are looking for translations and other localizations, check out the appropriate language from the l10n module.
You are now ready to start building KDE! Visit this page for instructions on building trunk or 这里 for instruction on compiling the last stable release.
- 在德国图灵根, 由Dirk Mueller维护。 However, a more local mirror could be faster for you than itself. 当前镜像如下,按性能排序:
- 德国纽伦堡,由Martin Eisenhardt维护。
- 是个匿名SVN镜像,在荷兰Nijmegen大学。由Adriaan de Groot维护。
- svn:// 位与美国洛杉机,由Eugeniu Plamadeala维护. 它的目录结构和anonsvn.kde.org一摸一样。
- 切换镜像时请注意,SVN会在工作备份中记录你的服务器;切换时你必须运行:
svn switch --relocate svn:// svn://
- 这要对你所有的地方。
有意设立svn镜像,请联系Dirk Mueller.