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Policies/Library Code Policy/Shared D-Pointer Example

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 23:37, 23 October 2008 by Frinring (talk | contribs) (access to anotherInteger helps with example)

The following example illustrates the shared d-pointer concept. The class presented here derives from QObject to illustrate parameter-passing in the constructor; it is not necessary to be like that in your code.

The header file, without Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE

class KFooBasePrivate; class KFooBase : public QObject { public:

   KFooBase(QObject *parent);
   void setSomeInteger(int i);
   int someInteger() const;


   KFooBasePrivate * const d_ptr;
   KFooBase(KFooBasePrivate &dd, QObject *parent);


   friend class KFooBasePrivate;
   inline KFooBasePrivate *d_func() { return d_ptr; }
   inline const KFooBasePrivate *d_func() const { return d_ptr; }


class KFooDerivedPrivate; class KFooDerived : public KFooBase { public:

   KFooDerived(QObject *parent);
   void setAnotherInteger(int i);
   int anotherInteger() const;
   int sumOfIntegers() const;


   KFooDerived(KFooDerivedPrivate &dd, QObject *parent);


   friend class KFooDerivedPrivate;
   inline KFooDerivedPrivate *d_func()
   { return reinterpret_cast<KFooDerivedPrivate *>(d_ptr); }
   inline const KFooDerivedPrivate *d_func() const
   { return reinterpret_cast<KFooDerivedPrivate *>(d_ptr); }


The header file, with Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE

class KFooBasePrivate; class KFooBase : public QObject { public:

   KFooBase(QObject *parent);
   void setSomeInteger(int i);
   int someInteger() const;


   KFooBasePrivate * const d_ptr;
   KFooBase(KFooBasePrivate &dd, QObject *parent);




class KFooDerivedPrivate; class KFooDerived : public KFooBase { public:

   KFooDerived(QObject *parent);
   void setAnotherInteger(int i);
   int anotherInteger() const;
   int sumOfIntegers() const;


   KFooDerived(KFooDerivedPrivate &dd, QObject *parent);




The .cpp file

/*** KFooBase ***/ class KFooBasePrivate { public:

   virtual ~KFooBasePrivate() { }
   int someInteger;


KFooBase::KFooBase(QObject *parent)

   : QObject(parent), d_ptr(new KFooBasePrivate)

{ }

KFooBase::KFooBase(KFooBasePrivate &dd, QObject *parent)

   : QObject(parent), d_ptr(&dd)

{ }

KFooBase::~KFooBase() {

   delete d_ptr;


void KFooBase::setSomeInteger(int i) {

   d->someInteger = i;


int KFooBase::someInteger() const {

   // in const functions add 'const' to the class name
   Q_D(const KFooBase);
   return d->someInteger;


/*** KFooDerived ***/

class KFooDerivedPrivate: public KFooBasePrivate { public:

   int anotherInteger;


KFooDerived::KFooDerived(QObject *parent)

   : KFooBase(*new KFooDerivedPrivate, parent)

{ }

KFooDerived::KFooDerived(KFooDerivedPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)

   : KFooBase(dd, parent)

{ }

KFooDerived::~KFooDerived() {

   /* no need to delete the d-pointer! */


void KFooDerived::setAnotherInteger(int i) {

   d->anotherInteger = i;


int KFooDerived::anotherInteger() const {

   // in const functions add 'const' to the class name
   Q_D(const KFooDerived);
   return d->anotherInteger;


int KFooDerived::sumOfIntegers() const {

   // in const functions add 'const' to the class name
   Q_D(const KFooDerived);
   return d->someInteger + d->anotherInteger;
