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Projects/KDE on Windows/Issues/emerge

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 23:13, 6 January 2008 by SaroEngels (talk | contribs) (emerge thoughts)
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Issues with emerge: for system dependent parts emerge should rely on the kdewin-installer package

  • make the kdewin-installer work on the commandline and integrate into emerge
  • integrate kdewin-menubuilder
  • test for kdewin-* applications before using them

Some more functions that are needed:

  • find a better solution what to build (accept multiple targets at the commandline like the original emerge does)
  • implement an update command which either updates the installed packages or which updates one package only
  • make two packages possible: 'emerge-bin' and 'emerge-portage'.
  • use another way to update the portage directory in future (rsync or similar)