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Talk:Getting Started/Build/Historic/KDE4 Windows

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Revision as of 06:43, 5 November 2007 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (one user's experiences)
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Skierpage 07:43, 5 November 2007 (CET) on 2007-11-03

Here's User:Skierpage's experience partially installing files with kdewin-installer-gui-0.8.1-2.exe on Windows XP SP2.


Each app's Help fails to start

Most (all?) apps print "[2180] kmahjongg(2180)/kdecore (KIconLoader): Error: standard icon theme "oxygen" not found!" in DebugView. Prior to this alert ProcessView shows 20910 10:25:18.5194281 PM kruler.exe 3792 QueryOpen C:\Documents and Settings\S Page\.kde\share\apps\kruler\icons\oxygen PATH NOT FOUND 20911 10:25:18.5195058 PM kruler.exe 3792 QueryOpen C:\KDE4\share\apps\kruler\icons\oxygen PATH NOT FOUND

However I do have a C:\KDE4\share\icons\oxygen directory.

The app toolbar in KMahjongg and Kolf is too tall (but that's probably the missing oxygen icons!), see screenshot.

Submit Bug Report fails to load anything when you click [Launch Bug Wizard]; nothing displays in Process Monitor or DebugView.

My display can get garbled, displaying what looks like a backing store of the current window in the top left. This happened with kolf.exe.

Specific apps


crashes when you choose "Named Colors" from the list. (It fails to open several .mo files and .js files, then tries to read rgb.txt from various X11 directories and obviously it's not there, and then crashes.)


kruler's cursor in North or South orientation shows the vertical arrowhead and line but has black and white garbage on the other half of it where the selection point would be.


First time it started klauncher.exe process but hung without displaying anything. I killed that process, second time it crashed; DebugView indicated it was trying to open ksyscoca, and when that failed it tried to launch ksyscocabuilder.exe: "[4644] okular(4644)/kdecore (KSycoca) bool __thiscall KSycocaPrivate::checkDatabase(class QFlags<enum KSycocaPrivate::BehaviorIfNotFound>): We have no database.... launching kbuildsycoca4"