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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 01:24, 20 October 2007 by Jpetso (talk | contribs) (Also include the icons that are drawn, but not (anymore?) specified.)

Note that there are only 22x22 versions of the Oxygen emotes.

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

 face-angel               OK
 face-confused            For which emote? (not in the spec) **
 face-cool                Needed
 face-crying              OK
 face-devil-grin          -> face-devilish
                             (was named devil-grin in 0.8 of
                              the spec, but is now renamed there)
 face-devil-sad           ?? (gone from the spec after 0.8)
                          ...so, no real need to draw
                             this emote (right?).
 face-embarrassed         OK
 face-foot-in-mouth       Strange name? for which emote?
                          (not in the spec) **
 face-gearhead-female-smile -> face-smile-gearhead-female **
 face-gearhead-male-smile   -> face-smile-gearhead-male **
 face-glasses             ?? (gone from the spec after 0.8)
                          The new spec defines face-cool instead
                          of face-glasses for B-), which might
                          mean that this one doesn't fit as well?
 face-kiss                OK
 face-laughing            For which emote? (because :-D is
                          already specified for face-smile-big)
                          (not in the spec) **
 face-monkey              Needed
 face-plain               OK
 face-sad                 OK
 face-sleep               For which emote? (not in the spec) **
 face-smile               OK
 face-smile-big           OK
 face-smirk               Needed
 face-surprise            OK
 face-tongue              -> face-raspberry
 face-wink                OK

 * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's emotes/ so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.

   The icon used for the B-) emote.

   The icon used for the :-(|) emote.

   The icon used for the :-P emote.

   The icon used for the :-! emote.