Getting Started/Build/Windows/Environment
Setting up the users environment
The next step is setting up a proper environment to build KDE4 applications. This includes setting the PATH variable and some additional variables needed for CMake and running KDE applications.
The path C:\kde4\win32libs is used as the installation directory from the kdewin-installer, C:\kde4\kdelibs-install as the path where all kde4 modules will be installed to. Obviously you have to change the actual values to suite your system. The Sources from SVN reside in C:\kde4\kdelibs-src. Create a file and name it environment.bat:
@echo off set MYKDEDIR= :: environment.bat should be able to autodetect the following values :: only set them manually, if the script complains about them :: don't use quotes (") ! :: Microsoft Platform SDK install directory :: set MSPSDKDIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 :: CMake install directory :: set CMAKEROOT=C:\Program Files\CMake 2.4 :: make only changes below this line, if you know, what you are doing if "%KDEDIR%" equ "" ( set KDEDIR=%MYKDEDIR% ) if "%KDEDIR%" equ "" ( echo KDEDIR not set echo set MYKDEDIR in %0% or KDEDIR at the enviroment goto ERROR ) if "%MSPSDKDIR%" equ "" ( for /F "usebackq tokens=3 delims= " %%i in (`@reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MicrosoftSDK\InstalledSDKs\D2FF9F89-8AA2-4373-8A31-C838BF4DBBE1" /v "Install Dir"`) DO ( set MSPSDKDIR=%%i ) ) if "%MSPSDKDIR%" equ "" ( echo can't detect the Microsoft Platform SDK install directory echo set it at the start of %0% or with the MSPSDKDIR enviroment variable goto ERROR ) if not exist "%MSPSDKDIR%\include\windows.h" ( echo can't find windows.h in %MSPSDKDIR%\include\ echo try to set the Microsoft Platform SDK install directory at the start of %0% or with the MSPSDKDIR enviroment variable goto ERROR ) if "%CMAKEROOT%" equ "" ( for /F "usebackq tokens=3 delims= " %%i in (`reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Kitware\CMake 2.4.6" /ve`) DO ( set CMAKEROOT=%%i ) ) if "%CMAKEROOT%" equ "" ( echo can't detect the cmake root directory echo set it at the start of %0% or with the CMAKEROOT enviroment variable goto ERROR ) if not exist "%CMAKEROOT%\bin\cmake.exe" ( echo can't find cmake.exe in %CMAKEROOT%\bin echo set it at the start of %0% or with the CMAKEROOT enviroment variable goto ERROR ) if "%VS80COMNTOOLS%" equ "" ( echo can't find the Microsoft Visual Studio installation directory echo set the VS80COMNTOOLS enviroment variable goto ERROR ) echo psdk: %MSPSDKDIR% echo cmake: %CMAKEROOT% set PATH=%KDEDIR%\bin;%PATH%;%CMAKEROOT%\bin;%MSPSDKDIR%\bin set DBUSDIR=%KDEDIR% set QTDIR=%KDEDIR% set KDEWIN_DIR=%KDEDIR% set KDEWIN32DIR=%KDEDIR% set INCLUDE=%PSDKDIR%\include;%KDEDIR%\include set LIB=%PSDKDIR%\lib;%KDEDIR%\lib set CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=%INCLUDE% set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=%LIB% call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" cmd.exe goto END :ERROR pause :END
take out the following paragraph:
Create a file environment.bat and add the following lines:
@set SOURCE_PATH=C:\kde4\kdelibs-src @set INSTALL_PATH=C:\kde4\kdelibs-install @set UTILS_PATH=C:\kde4\win32libs @set DBUSDIR=%UTILS_PATH% @set KDEDIRS=%UTILS_PATH%;%INSTALL_PATH% @set KDEWIN_DIR=%UTILS_PATH% @set PATH=%PATH%;%UTILS_PATH%\bin;%INSTALL_PATH%\bin;%INSTALL_PATH%\lib @set QT_PLUGIN_PATH=%INSTALL_PATH%\lib\kde4\plugins;%UTILS_PATH%\plugins @set STRIGI_HOME=%UTILS_PATH% @set XDG_DATA_DIRS=%UTILS_PATH%\share;%INSTALL_PATH%\share
You will have to run this file every time you start a new cmd-shell. If you don't want to run this file you can make the variable entries permanent: Open up the control panel and select the System Entry. Then go to the Extended tab and select Environment Variables. In the section titled 'user variables' add the above entries. You should have cmake and mingw32-make etc. in your path as well.