User:Danimo/Wiki Scenarios
Possible Scenarios for future Wiki use on *
The suggestions below are the outcome of a BoF during Akademy 2007 in Glasgow. We'd especially like to inquire the opinions of the subproject maintainers. Please add your opinions into the discussion page of this page or contact me on IRC. --Danimo 12:28, 8 July 2007 (CEST) with namespaces
Note: will then run mediawiki
- Pros
- Easy to maintain
- Cons
- Might grow very big
- Requires namespaces
- No obvious structure
- No homogenous target audience
Unattractive for subprojects
n /wiki per site
- Pros
- Very flexible for projects
- Cons
- Sharing templates impossible
- Sharing files quite hard
- Interwiki-Links are of limited use
- n databases
n role-based wiki sites
Description: Wikis on domains that target the supposed audience, e.g.
Possible compromise between the two suggestions above.
- Pros
- Less wiki instances than one per site
- Cons
- Sharing templates impossible
- Sharing files quite hard
- Interwiki-Links are of limited use
- n databases
Action items
- Investigate OpenID
- Investigate which target audiences we/the projects want
- Talk to subprojects
- What solution do they prefer?
- To what extend would they go with whatever we do?
- Whats the additional value for them to join the effort?
- How and where to migrate the contents of the current wikis?
Please put sign underneath either bullet point that you want to vote for. Anonymous votes will not be counted. Example: **--~~~~