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Projects/Summer of Code/2007/Projects/KAider

From KDE TechBase

Current state

Already has:

  • syntax highlighting
  • spellcheck (problems with dividing filter:doesnt check for the last word)
  • search-n-replace, ignoring accel marks
  • small features like quick tag insert, placing text cursor after the tag in the beginning (e.g. '<qt>|foobar</qt>' where "|" is a cursor)
  • bookmarks
  • viewer of the difference between current msgid and previous one (i.e. msgid translation of which current msgstr really is -- for fuzzies generated with --previous gettext option)
  • merge mode for editors (QA) screenshot
  • basic projectmanager functionality screenshot
  • glossary with basic tbx format support. KAider displays relevant entries on-the-fly and provides shortcuts to insert them. also, you can add new glossary terms via context menu of the glossary screenshot


After you set kde env up (compiling kdelibs is enough):

cd trunk
svn up playground/devtools/kaider
su kde-devel
mkdir playground/devtools/kaider/build
cd playground/devtools/kaider/build
cmakekde ..

as a root, run sshd and then from the usual shell:

ssh -XC kde-devel@localhost


  • [basic framework DONE] project management -- 1-2 weeks
  • [essentially DONE] context glossary -- 0.5-1 week
  • translation DB (QtSql) -- 2 weeks
  • [DONE] mode for merging translations for editors (QA) -- 1 week
  • scripting API + sipping on google translate for live glossary (kross) - 2 weeks
  • the remaining time is for perfection/polishing/small improvements and xliff+qt-linguist support

What i'm doing these days

  • initial kross research
  • impovements on ProjectView (dbus, etc), MergeView (merge actions) and Glossary

Refactoring ideas

  • MetaCatalog
    • CatalogBase
      • GetttextCatalog
    • ProjectBase
      • GetttextProject


  • Create project, saving *.ktp file to l10n-kde4/<LangCode>
  • Create in the same dir file called terms.tbx, and fill it with initial contents:


This is how a TBX glossary looks like:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <!DOCTYPE martif PUBLIC "ISO 12200:1999A//DTD MARTIF core (DXFcdV04)//EN" "TBXcdv04.dtd">
   <martif type="TBX" xml:lang="en">
                   <title>KDE Russian Team Glossary</title>
               <termEntry id="1">
                   <descrip type="subjectField">Security</descrip>
                   <descrip type="relatedConcept">authorization</descrip>
                   <langSet xml:lang="en">
                               <termNote type="partOfSpeech">noun</termNote>
                           <descrip type="context">.</descrip>
                   <langSet xml:lang="ru">
                               <termNote type="partOfSpeech">сущ.</termNote>
                   <langSet xml:lang="ru">
                               <term>подтверждение подлинности</term>
                               <termNote type="partOfSpeech">сущ.</termNote>
               <termEntry id="2">
                   <descrip type="subjectField">Security</descrip>
                   <descrip type="relatedConcept">authentication</descrip>
                   <langSet xml:lang="en">
                               <termNote type="partOfSpeech">noun</termNote>
                           <descrip type="context"></descrip>
                   <langSet xml:lang="ru">
                               <term>определение прав</term>
                               <termNote type="partOfSpeech">сущ.</termNote>