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Boîte à outils

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 10:50, 19 May 2019 by ChristianW (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Noix *# Noix de cajou *# Divers * Autres choses")
Il est possible que cette page soit en double

Cette page contient des exemples sur la manière de formater le code pour les tâches habituelles

Mettre en forme votre texte

Utiliser les paragraphes

Les titres de paragraphe sont automatiquement inclus dans le sommaire, ils doivent donc être structurés. Leur place dans l'arborescence est indiquée par des signes formés de multiples caractères '=' de part et d'autre du titre lui-même. Evitez le signe unique - réservé au titre des pages, pour lequel la déclaration automatique est utilisée. Vos paragraphes au niveau 1 commenceront par '== titre de paragraphe niveau 1 ==', puis au premier niveau inférieur, '=== titre du paragraphe de niveau 2 ===' et ainsi de suite.

Utiliser le gras et l' italique

Les spots sont utilisés pour marquer les mots en gras et en italique.

Utilisez '''texte en gras''' pour spécifier un texte en gras et ''texte en italique'' pour spécifier un texte en italique.

Afin de nous assurer d'avoir des traductions faciles et appropriées, veuillez adhérer aux règles typographiques.

Ajouter un extrait de code

Nous avons des modèles pour vous aider à afficher correctement des parties de code. Des exemples d'utilisation dans des situations variées sont disponibles sur la page des règles typographiques. Le code des différents modèles de boîte peuvent être recopiés de cette page.

Si vous avez des problèmes pour afficher les barres verticales '|' dans votre extrait de code, veuillez lire les explications et le balisage détaillé dans les règles typographiques

Ajouter des indentations

":" est utilisé pour l'indentation, et se trouve sur d'anciennes pages pour les multiples . Ceci est obsolète et cause des problèmes, par conséquent les multiples seront supprimés dès qu'ils apparaissent. Chaque ":" indente de quatre caractères.

Formater les dates

Les dates dans un format purement numérique créent la confusion, à cause des différences de présentation dépendant des zones géographiques. Veuillez formater les dates ainsi :

18 Mar 2011

avec le mois soit écrit en clair complètement ou sous forme abrégée, et l'année sous forme de quatre chiffres. Le jour peut être exprimé sur un ou deux chiffres.

Listes à puces

* est le symbole utilisé pour les listes à puces. ** exprime le second niveau :

* Amandes

* Noix
** Noix de cajou

* Raisins


  • Amandes
  • Noix
    • Noix de cajou
  • Raisins


Les énumérations se font sur le même principe, mais en utilisant '#'.

# Tamiser
# Mélanger
## Bien mélanger
# Cuire

génère :

  1. Tamiser
  2. Mélanger
    1. Bien mélanger
  3. Cuire

Combiner les listes à puces avec les énumérations

You can have an enumerated sublist in a bulleted list and vice versa, like this:

* Noix
*# Noix de cajou
*# Divers
* Autres choses

génère :

  • Noix
    1. Noix de cajou
    2. Divers
  • Autres choses


# Nuts
#* Cashew
#* Crazy
# Other things


  1. Nuts
    • Cashew
    • Crazy
  2. Other things
Enumerations should never have blank lines in them: it breaks the sequence and numbering starts at one again. Similarly, there should never be blank lines before a sublist item whether enumerated or bulleted: it creates two levels of item markings (bullets or numbers)

Please remember, that long lists are a problem for translators. With single level bulleted lists, place each bullet in a section of its own, i.e. make a blank line between bullets. With two levels of bullets the subitems must be kept in the same section as their top level bullet; if you have to use subbullets, please keep the sublists short! With enumerations involved, you must keep everything in one unit. Please try to avoid enumerations, and if you find that you must use them try to keep them short.


Itemizations are produced using ; and : alternately. They are best for giving short descriptions for a group of related objects.

: They move around and devour other creatures.

: They have roots and feed upon ground water and sun.


They move around and devour other creatures.
They have roots and feed upon ground water and sun.
As allways, please keep each item in a section of its own; it helps translators a lot.

Add a Link

There are two kinds of links to learn, internal ones, to another TechBase page, and external URL links.

For an internal link the format [[Typographical_Guidelines]], where you want to display the name of the page, does work, but it is not ideal, particularly for translation to docbook and for localisation. It is better to use the form [[Special:myLanguage/Typographical_Guidelines|Typographical Guidelines]], because that allows translators to link correctly even though the page name is localised. The result is that it directs to the correctly translated page, if one exists. You often need to include the link in a sentence, so in that case you would use

[[Special:myLanguage/Typographical_Guidelines|this page]]

which displays

this page

External links are slightly different so

[http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules our road map]


our road map, which would take you straight to the techbase page.

One last thing to note - when you preview your page, all links are live. This gives you two benefits. You can check (by hovering) that your links are set up as you expected, and you can use a red link to create a new page.

Illustrate Your Text

Add a single image, centered


Note that you can change the position of the image, but the default is left. The size of the image depends on the circumstances, but for screenshots I recommend no less than 250px and no more than 500px.

Make the Image Clickable, and Add a Caption

Where you need to show more detail, create a moderately sized image, clickable, so that the full-size can be seen. Simply add the parameter '|thumb' within the image parentheses.

A caption can also be added as a parameter, but will only show if '|thumb' is present.

Use Tables to Precisely Place Multiple Images

{|class="tablecenter" style="border: 1px solid grey;"


Note that all the parameters for one image are contained within [[...]], and cells are separated by '||'. To start a new line, insert '|-' on an otherwise-empty line, then '|' at the start of the next one.

Add Notes and Warnings

Where a note or warning is relevant within your text, use these templates:

{{Info|This is general information}} displays

This is general information

{{Note|Some important information at this point}} displays

Some important information at this point

{{Tip/fr|Un conseil utile, quelque chose à se rappeler}}displays

Un conseil utile, quelque chose à se rappeler

{{Warning|Take care - this is a dangerous thing to do}} displays

Take care - this is a dangerous thing to do

Where the strongest possible warning is needed, the Remember box can be used, but please use sparingly. {{Remember|1=This is for things that definitely must not be forgotten}}

This is for things that definitely must not be forgotten

You can also change the heading:

Don't Forget This!
You can use parameter number 2 to set an individual box heading:
{{Remember|2=Don't Forget This!|1=You can use...}}

Other Useful Templates

Inserting GUI Icons

The best way to refer to icons in the GUI is to display it in the text. This can be done with a template like this: {{Icon|list-add}}. This will display the icon.

For this to work, the icon image must have been uploaded to the wiki. See Update an Image for an explanation on how to upload images. The .png files can usually be found here: usr/share/icons/oxygen. If possible use the 16x16 icon. The file name should have an Icon- prefix as in Icon-list-add.png — apart from the prefix the filename should exactly match the usual name. Note, that when using the template you should neither write the Icon- prefix nor the .png file type extension.

The icon can also be written as {{Plus}}, and the icon as {{Minus}}. You can also use {{Configure}} to get the icon, and {{Exit}} gets you the icon.

Making Major Edits to Existing Pages

If a page is likely to be open for editing for some time there is a danger of conflicts - someone else may edit at the same time, and saving your edit will cancel out theirs, or vice versa. The way to avoid that is to make a temporary entry, directly under the language bar, using {{Being_Edited}} which will display

En cours de modification
Cette page est en cours de modification.
Si ce message s'affiche pendant un temps anormalement long, veuillez soit le notifier sur irc.freenode.org #kde-www ou le rapporter sur la page de discussion de Annewilson.

Don't forget to remove it when you have finished!

Adding a New Complex Page

If you need to be able to work on a page for quite some time, over several days, for instance, you may like to use the Construction template - {{Construction}}, which displays

En cours de construction
Ceci est une nouvelle page, actuellement en cours de construction !

Adding a List of Sub-Pages


is very useful when you want to list subpages with active links, such as

Sous-pages de Toolbox/fr

It does, however, also list all "other-language" pages, so use with discretion.