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Projects/Summer of Code/2007/Projects/Portable Media Player Integration for KDE

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 05:54, 18 April 2007 by Qartis (talk | contribs)
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Portable Media Player Integration

KDE needs seamless support for all kinds of portable media players. KDE needs to offer the user file transcoding, device profiles, synchronization, as well as any other plausible conveniences. It's also important to look ahead and plan for upcoming technologies as well.


For this purpose, integration means giving the user the ability to perform synhronization-related tasks as quickly and simply as possible.


An important goal is to have a very broad range of supported devices. Popular products will be the first to be added, and as time and resources permit, many others will follow. Creating new device profiles will be relatively simple, depending on the device's data and index formats.

If the portable media device you have isn't an Apple iPod, please find me on IRC or email me with its name and model (especially if it's obscure or foreign, relative to North America.)

Andrew Fuller