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Found 2 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | #include "mainwindow.h" int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("tutorial3"); KAboutData aboutData( // The program name used internally. (componentName) QStringLiteral("tutorial3"), // A displayable program name string. (displayName) i18n("Tutorial 3"), // The program version string. (version) QStringLiteral("1.0"), // Short description of what the app does. (shortDescription) i18n("A simple text area using QAction etc."), // The license this code is released under KAboutLicense::GPL, // Copyright Statement (copyrightStatement = QString()) i18n("(c) 2015"), // Optional text shown in the About box. // Can contain any information desired. (otherText) i18n("Some text..."), // The program homepage string. (homePageAddress = QString()) QStringLiteral(""), // The bug report email address // (bugsEmailAddress = QLatin1String("[email protected]") QStringLiteral("[email protected]")); aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Name"), i18n("Task"), QStringLiteral("[email protected]"), QStringLiteral(""), QStringLiteral("OSC Username")); KAboutData::setApplicationData(aboutData); QCommandLineParser parser; aboutData.setupCommandLine(&parser); parser.process(app); aboutData.processCommandLine(&parser); MainWindow* window = new MainWindow(); window->show(); return app.exec(); } </syntaxhighlight> |
h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) | #include "mainwindow.h" int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("tutorial3"); KAboutData aboutData( // The program name used internally. (componentName) QStringLiteral("tutorial3"), // A displayable program name string. (displayName) i18n("Tutorial 3"), // The program version string. (version) QStringLiteral("1.0"), // Short description of what the app does. (shortDescription) i18n("A simple text area using QAction etc."), // The license this code is released under KAboutLicense::GPL, // Copyright Statement (copyrightStatement = QString()) i18n("(c) 2015"), // Optional text shown in the About box. // Can contain any information desired. (otherText) i18n("Some text..."), // The program homepage string. (homePageAddress = QString()) QStringLiteral(""), // The bug report email address // (bugsEmailAddress = QLatin1String("[email protected]") QStringLiteral("[email protected]")); aboutData.addAuthor(i18n("Name"), i18n("Task"), QStringLiteral("[email protected]"), QStringLiteral(""), QStringLiteral("OSC Username")); KAboutData::setApplicationData(aboutData); QCommandLineParser parser; aboutData.setupCommandLine(&parser); parser.process(app); aboutData.processCommandLine(&parser); MainWindow* window = new MainWindow(); window->show(); return app.exec(); } </syntaxhighlight> |