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Getting Started/Build/Windows/MinGW Build Tips

From KDE TechBase

Current build tips for some of the kde libraries: You should add the normal options for cmake yourself:

cmake X:\path\to\src\dir -G "MinGW Makefiles" \
mingw32-make && mingw32-make install

additional required options will be added below - kdelibs: builds fine without options - kdepimlibs: add the following options:


change the X_XX to your installed Boost Version (like 1.34 goes 1_34) -kdebase\runtime:


  • currently kstars won't build; edit the CMakeLists.txt file, comment the add_optional_subdirectory line for kstars
  • marble will try to build as its qt-only version. If you want to build kdeedu as a hole package, add: