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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 14:41, 30 September 2011 by Ervin (talk | contribs)

What is Solid

Solid is the new hardware device framework for KDE 4 that features, among other things, a hardware discovery layer which allows you to detect and use devices regardless of operating system or architecture. You can learn more about the Solid project at solid.kde.org.

For a more detailed (still not complete!) description, read here.

Who are those tutorials for?

This tutorial is written for developers looking to use the Solid hardware discovery layer within their applications. It can also serve as a good starting point for developers looking to start working on the Solid framework.

Solid core library tutorials

Listing Devices
How to use the Solid core library to discover the hardware and interact with the system.
Accessing Network Information
How to use the Solid system to get information about the network
Creating a Device Action
When your application is interested in registering actions with the system for removable hardware