Projects/Oxygen/Sound Theme Naming Specification
- NOTE - This section is under HEAVY development. Keep it as an orphaned page for the time being.
Sound is an important element used to communicate with users. It is important, then, that there be a unified and simplified way of organizing sounds.
The contexts for a sound theme are (these are more or less placeholders as this schema is sorted out):
Name | Description | Directory |
System Events | Sounds which are generally used to notify the user of events relating to the system, ie: startup, warning dialogs, etc | system |
User Interface Events | Sounds associated with the desktop environment, such as minimize, shade, or kicker events | ui |
Misc. Application Events | Sounds associated with application events, such as a successful cd burn, which don't fit within other categories | application |
System Events
A list for now
- Network events
- Startup
- Shutdown
- Hibernate
- Standby
- Close Program
- Critical Battery Alarm
- Critical Stop
- Default Beep
- Device Connect
- Device Disconnect
- Device Failed to Connect
- Exit
- Low Battery Alarm
- Menu Popup
- Open Program
- Print Complete
- Program Error
- Question
- Restore Down
- Restore Up
- Select
- Show Toolbar
- Start
- System Notification
- Logoff
- Logon
User Interface Events
- Minimize
- Minimize to Tray
- Maximize
- Restore
- Restore from Tray
- Shade Up
- Shade Down
- Menu Browse
- Menu Select
Application Level Events
Communication Events
- New Email
- New IM
- Name mentioned in chat room
- Connected to messaging server
- Disconnected from messaging server
- Person Joins
- Person Leaves
- Receive Call
- Receive Request to Join
- Contact Online
- New Alert
- New Message
- New Mail
Miscellaneous and Cross-Category Events
- Successful (cd burn, file transfer, etc. Possibly separate these)
File/Web Browser
Blocked Pop up Empty Trash Information Bar Move Menu Item Main Menu Navigation