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Schedules/KDE4/4.9 Feature Plan

From KDE TechBase

This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.9 release.

See also:


  • todo => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KGlobalSettings Make KGlobalSettings reread locale settings before calling settingsChanged(). Lamarque V. Souza <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Thumbnail fix for bookmarks Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE ksmserver Port shutdown dialog to QML Lamarque V. Souza <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS ksmserver Merge the new qml based screen locker Marco Martin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS plasma MPRIS2 dataengine Alex Merry <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin windows that are moved to another desktop should be treated as sticky windows (Bug 213847) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Quick Tile shortcuts should be toggle buttons (Bug 263755) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Fix fullscreen state handling: NETWM says it's bound to focus and not stacking order, also see bug #224600 (Bug 296076) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Display application menu and title bar side by side for maximized windows (Bug 102607) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin No reason given why some desktop effects cannot be activated (Bug 209213) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Add support for appmenu-qt (Bug 266596) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Decoration KCM should show comment for decoration (Bug 296041) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Lanczos Filter broken after screen size changes (Bug 296065) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin DesktopThumbnailItem for QML (Bug 296067) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Packages for Desktop Switching Layouts (Bug 296068) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Walk Through Desktop layout rendering desktop previews (Bug 296069) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Move ThumbnailBar from BoxSwitch to CoverSwitch (Bug 296070) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Drop BoxSwitch effect (Bug 296071) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Different binary name for KWin Active (Bug 296084) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Import Scripted Effect from All Effets Tab (Bug 296772) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin GHNS support for Scripted Effects (Bug 296773) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin GHNS support for KWin Scripts (Bug 296774) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin KConf Update Script for KWin 4.9 (Bug 296775) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Request category for scripted KWin Effects on kde-(look|app).org (Bug 297634) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Request category for KWin Scripts on kde-(look|app).org (Bug 297635) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin GHNS support for Window Switching Layouts (Bug 297636) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Request category for Window Switcher Layouts on kde-(look|app).org (Bug 297637) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Update Documentation for Window Switcher Layouts (Bug 297638) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Window Switcher KCM needs to be reworked (Bug 297639) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin ThumbnailItem allows upscaling of Windows (Bug 297864) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Redesign the kwin's kcm "All effects" (Bug 298991) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Window Tab support for QML based Aurorae (Bug 299138) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Increase ABI version for KDecorations (Bug 299140) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Add ABI check to KDecorations (Bug 299141) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin New Window Decoration for Thin Clients (Bug 299143) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Remove legacy window decorations (Bug 299144) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Get rid of "Display borders on maximized windows" setting (Bug 299245) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Break NETWM to allow inner xinerama struts (Bug 299247) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Improve VSync strategy (Bug 299274) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Screen Edge bindings for KWin Scripting (Bug 299275) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Support Plasma API Extensions in KWin Scripting (Bug 299276) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Move Workspace's compositing functionality to own class Compositor (Bug 299277) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Better QML selection list for Window Switcher layout (Bug 299278) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Add layout specification to D-Bus call for invoking TabBox (Bug 299279) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Default Bindings for Switching between Windows of current Application (Bug 299308) <[email protected]>
TO DO kwin Make desktop focus chains activities aware (Bug 299309) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Useraction menu closes when focus passes to another window (Bug 81743) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin JJ: change focus only when moving mouse (Bug 92290) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin JJ: kwin fulscreen / un-fullscreen system notifications (Bug 124612) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Insufficient stacking order handling for deleted windows (Bug 158262) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin JJ: Use arrow keys to control cover switch. (Bug 178595) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Dragging a title bar against a bottom panel twice makes it go under the panel on the second time (Bug 210926) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Wobbly windows wobbles strange after quick-maximization (Bug 222102) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin "Move" command should allow off-screen window moving same as Alt + click trick (Bug 229942) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Bug with shading always inactive windows (Bug 242217) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Change title of menu item "Configure window behaviour..." (Bug 249486) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Task switcher message when no windows looks ugly with stars (Bug 260938) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Placement Policy 'under mouse' (Bug 272162) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin JJ: Synchronize Show Desktop wording in all tabbox effects (Bug 273478) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin closing session crash (Bug 282933) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Window Specific Settings dialog has no help function (Bug 286783) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Add "Present Windows - Window Class" to "Screen Edges" functions (Bug 288960) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin [JJ] Select next window with arrow key in Alt+Tab (Bug 291916) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin KWin crashed when I was switching windows (Bug 292614) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Kill helper should be out of process (Bug 295940) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Synchronize user actions menu with libtaskmanager (Bug 296056) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Document global JavaScript methods in KWin Scripting API documentation (Bug 297640) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Elevate windows in addition to highlight (Bug 297809) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin KWin crashes when interacting with Plasma (Bug 298669) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Effects cannot be configured (Bug 299163) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Adding proper window thumbnail clipping to the QML tabbox (Bug 299198) <[email protected]>
DONE kwin Desktop Zoom should be saved between sessions (Bug 189956) <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO FolderView Refactor into PopupApplet and Containment Ignat Semenov <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Allow to show any kind of metadata like ratings, tags, comments, image-sizes, music-artist, ... beside each item of the view. Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Use KMessageWidget for information- and error-messages (see http://agateau.com/2011/04/21/kde-ux-2011/ for details) Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Optionally remember the column-widths of the details view Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Allow to disable the expandable folders of the details view Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Implement inline renaming for the new view-engine Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Allow to optionally set a maximum number of lines for the icons-view Peter Penz <[email protected]>
TO DO Dolphin Implement files quick preview feature (named Klook) Evgeniy Auzhin <[email protected]>
TO DO Konsole Add command line options for controlling the visibility of menubar and tabbar Jekyll Wu <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO Marble Satellite Map NG Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Mars & Venus satellite plugin Torsten Rahn / Gerhard Holtkamp <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Solar Eclipse Plugin Torsten Rahn / Gerhard Holtkamp <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Help Menu polishing / Support page inclusion Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Toolbar polishing/refactoring Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Solar Eclipse Plugin Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Marble Worldwide hillshading Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Extended library API (no MarbleWidget dependency for tasks like parsing, routing) Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Marble Touch on Plasma Active Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Marble Touch on Android Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Support for loading geolocated photos (e.g. in a Gallery activity in Marble Touch) Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Layer Management (by the user: Toggle layer visibility; maybe move layers from legend and layers in menus to one central place/tab) Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Project Files to combine graphs and algorithms Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Extend graph data structure to support overlay graphs Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Stepped execution of algorithms Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Rocs General unit test cleanup and overhauling Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
TO DO Rocs New Project Wizard - guided creation based on loaded plugins Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Rocs Project journal files Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Rocs New Add-Node/Add-Link Toolbar for data types and pointer types Rocs Developers <[email protected]>
TO DO Kig Improve Cancel Construction and Undo actions David E. Narváez <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS libkdegames Major cleanup and rewrite (done, except for the new highscore classes) Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]>
DONE Granatier improve config UI for player and arena selection Mathias Kraus <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg tooltips giving playings hints Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg new config option: propose what to do Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg make it possible to replay a game from a screen shot (for better debugging) Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg improve Robot AI Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg Add default voices Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg Players can chat with each other from within kajongg Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE Kajongg Define a central game server, making it easier to play over the internet (no more tweaking of firewalls for the server side) Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kajongg Add support for other rule variants, starting with Classical Chinese variants Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
TO DO Kajongg Print rulesets, also more than one in parallel for comparisons Wolfgang Rohdewald <[email protected]>
DONE KGoldrunner Add the Gold Rush II championship game (20 levels), contributed by Gabriel Miltschitzky Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KGoldrunner Add solution files to some KGoldrunner games, possibly using Get Hot New Stuff Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Simplify the XML descriptions of puzzle shapes Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Add XML and Desktop files for seven new two-dimensional puzzle shapes Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Add XML and Desktop files for three new three-dimensional puzzle shapes Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Improve the quality and relevance of KSudoku hints Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Make Load and Save work correctly for all puzzle types, including display of small markers/notes and restart of the puzzle clock from a saved value Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Integrate the new generator/solver and the old KSudoku code more closely Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Make puzzle features easier to see and use by improving highlighting, control and settings in both 2-D and 3-D puzzles and adding keyboard input to 3-D puzzles Ian Wadham <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO Gwenview Fullscreen browse Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE JuK last.fm scrobbling Martin Sandsmark <[email protected]>
DONE JuK cover-fetching from last.fm Martin Sandsmark <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS JuK MPRIS2 support Alex Merry <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Kopete Add option to group all offline users into a "Offline Users" group Kopete Developers <[email protected]>
DONE Kopete Show contact's status change in chat window Igor Poboiko <[email protected]>
DONE Kopete Add context option "rename" to contacts and allow changing custom display name inline. Kopete Developers <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Akonadi Google Resources Move contacts and calendars resources from Akonadi Google project to kdepim-runtime Dan Vratil <[email protected]>

DONE KTnef Bring back KTnef from the KDE3 days. KTnef is a standalone TNEF attachment viewer Allen Winter <[email protected]>

TO DO Akonadi Kolab Resources Kolab resource using the Kolab libraries to kdepim-runtime Christian Mollekopf <[email protected]>

TO DO Extend Akonotes Format Extend the akonotes format to support features required by zanshin and kolab Christian Mollekopf <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Now Playing replace with QML version Alex Merry <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Microblog replace with QML version Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS StackFolder Add applet for quick browse the stack of folders Ural Mullabaev <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO Okteta Add a general KPart adapter to Kasten, than finish port of Okteta KPart to Okteta Kasten Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Add Kate-like combined dialogs to query for actions on files Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add Kate-like search tool Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Add Okular like embedded notifications Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add support for import by drop, both url and data Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add support for memory mapping of files and 64-bit addressing Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Add view profiles, incl. editor/manager Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Improve the titels of the changes to the bytearray to be more descriptive, best using ids to avoid text string Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Make all user interaction in the KastenCore managers plugin-based Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Merge row and column widgets into one Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Store bookmarks Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta Add custom datatypes to structures tool Alex Richardson <[email protected]>
DONE Lokalize Optimize TM fuzzy searching [mailto: Nick Shaforostoff <>]
DONE Lokalize File search tab [mailto: Nick Shaforostoff <>]
TO DO Lokalize .ts support [mailto: Nick Shaforostoff <>]
IN PROGRESS Umbrello diagram auto layout support Ralf Habacker <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Umbrello diagram graphviz dot export Ralf Habacker <[email protected]>
DONE Thumbnail PO thumbnailer Ni Hui <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact