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Revision as of 11:51, 11 February 2011 by Zc456 (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'thumb|left '''Zc456''', also known as '''Zenon Tigerpaw''' or '''Squeaks''', is web designer, programmer, and artist in the furry fandom. In his spare tim...')
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File:Zc456 user.png

Zc456, also known as Zenon Tigerpaw or Squeaks, is web designer, programmer, and artist in the furry fandom. In his spare time he likes to draw, write, design, or code.

ZC Adventures (working title)

ZC Adventures is a series of free and open source text-based adventure games. Game is created partly as a research project and to learn programming in Python. The game client itself will be written in Qt.