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Projects/KDE on Solaris/OpenSolaris/Korona

From KDE TechBase

What is Korona?

Korona is a live DVD that makes it easy to peek at the current state of porting KDE4 to OpenSolaris. It's created by adding the packages of the KDE-Solaris project on top of a regular OpenSolaris image. Apart from setting KDE as default, there are no other customizations.


ISOs are posted regularly at genunix.org

Can I install Korona and use it in production environment?

Please don't :-)
Korona is not really a distribution. It's meant to be a test-drive thing.
If Korona is not stable enough for you, then have a look at Belenix.
If you like Korona, you may be better off installing regular OpenSolaris and installing KDE from the KDE-Solaris IPS repository (check the forum for latest news).

So what works and what's broken?

See the Status page.

I want to join the developers/build my own KDE packages

A step by step guide is available.


There is a forum. Developers hang out at the #kde4-solaris IRC channel of Freenode.


Korona 4.4.3 (coming soon)
List of fixes and improvements:
process list and other system info now work in ksysguard (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=200646)
Korona boots into a KDE session again
KDM is used instead of GDM
amarok !
koffice !
List of new issues:

Korona 4.3.98
Comes with KDE 4.4 RC3.
Due to some not-yet-analyzed changes in gdm the Korona live-DVD autologins to GNOME. Click 'System' - 'Logout jack' - 'Logout' and the KDE4 session will come up in a few seconds.
The kde-solaris project has got a bugzilla at opensolaris.org now. It should focus on issues specific to our builds, we do not intend to duplicate the upstream bugzilla.

A survey was launched : survey

List of fixes and improvements:
Crashes of several KDEgames were fixed.
Crashes of several KDEedu apps were fixed.
Crashes of some akonadi apps were fixed.
Desktop globe wallpaper is enabled in KDEplasma-addons
KDE crash on a system with VirtualBox additions was fixed.
LZMA support.was added
KMix is now included.

List of new issues:
network-admin icon is invisible since 4.4 RC1
System Activity dialog is empty
The Korona live-DVD autologins to GNOME. Click 'System' - 'Logout jack' - 'Logout' and the KDE4 session will come up in a few seconds.

Korona 4.3.80
Brings you KDE 4.4.beta 1. Only KDEedu and KDEplasma-addons are missing due to unresolved build issues. The following issues are fixed: "dolphin crashes"

Korona 4.3.1
It comes with new version numbering scheme ;-), the version now matches the KDE version, this means that now it ships with KDE 4.3.1
Now also kdebindings, kdepim-runtime, kdeplasma-addons and qtcreator are included.
A Qt benchmark qgears is included.
KDEl10n packages were dropped to make the iso smaller.
The following issues are fixed: "Konqueror crashes when launched via Run Command", "Kinfocenter crashes", "nwam-manager is spawned multiple times", "Right-click on Icon Settings kills plasma"
The following either new or previously untracked issues were identified: "Akonadi seems misconfigured", "Several games crash", "Some edu apps crash", "krunner crashes", "akonadi_nepomuk_email_feeder crashes", "QtCreator requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH to start correctly", "Annoying mouse bug"