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Tokamak 4 Oxygen 3 2010

The fourth Tokamak Plasma Meeting and the third Oxygen Gathering will take place in Nuremberg, Germany on February 19th to 26th.


We will be hosted by Novell in the OpenSuse community space in Nuremberg. Details forthcoming.






Name Email Arrival Depart Cost Sponsor? Hotel? Food Work Airport Flights
Aaron Seigo [email protected] TBD TBD ~$1300? yes yes vegetarian Overall facilitation
Marco Martin [email protected] TBD TBD ~100€ yes yes whatever whatever coding and else
Ivan Cukic [email protected] 19.2 26.2 approx €250 yes yes whatever whatever coding and else
Artur de Souza [email protected] TBD TBD ~1000 euros yes yes whatever coding, mobile, bug fixing, etc...
Nuno Pinheiro [email protected] 19 24 aprox 250€ yes yes whatever whatever artwork, mobile, planing, etc....
Chani [email protected] TBD TBD ~$1300 yes yes vegetarian activity management / js / random bugs
Martin Gräßlin [email protected] 19. 21. 0 no yes KWin on embedded devices
Lukas Appelhans [email protected] 19. TBD but maybe 21. ~150€ yes yes whatever Quicklaunch-Applet, KGet-Applets, Shaman/Aqpm-Applets, Raptor?
Frank Karlitschek [email protected] TBD TBD TBD yes yes whatever Social Desktop
Dario Freddi [email protected] 19 TBD, probably 21-22 TBD, I suppose ~150-200€ yes yes whatever stuff that nobody wants to do, as usual
Riccardo Iaconelli [email protected] TBD, very probably 19 TBD, probably 24? (depends on school) TBD, I suppose ~150-200€ yes yes whatever plasmoids, art, ideas, fun :-)
Sebastian Kügler [email protected] 19th probably 27th ~100€ yes yes whatever Power- and networkmanagement, web integration, PIM stuff
Davide Bettio [email protected] TBD, probably 19th TBD, I don't know TBD, I suppose ~150-200€ yes yes whatever TBD
Will Stephenson [email protected] Local Local 0 no no whatever Keeping everyone else happy, networkmanagement N/A I can see the venue from my kitchen
Eugene Trounev [email protected] 19-11:15 26-11:50 $1,126.97 CAD yes yes no meat. fish, eggs, and milk are OK various artowrk (like wallpapers), designs and more Nuremberg(NUE) In AC9268/Out AC9195
Hugo Pereira Da Costa [email protected] TBD TBD Plain ticket, from NY. Not checked yet yes yes wathever Meeting people, drinking beers with Nuno, hacking
Igor Trindade Oliveira [email protected] TBD TBD ~800 euros yes yes whatever coding, animations, netbook etc...
Frederik Gladhorn [email protected] 19.2. 26.2. ~50 euros yes yes whatever opendesktop integration

Special Needs

  • Laptop/desktop for hacking with KDE trunk on it for: Lukas Appelhans


We will be focusing on the KDE SC 4.5 release of Plasma, with a particular attention on feature completion, polishing and quality improvements across the code base. Activities and Plasma Mobile will also be topics of interest.

Oxygen, finishing it up for 4.5 plans for the future.

Opening Day Presentations

Development Topics
