my bugs
not quite triaged yet
- bug #151408 - waiting for more info.
can't test yet
- bug #154223 - multiple layer selection is disabled.
- bug #172214 - split view crashes krita
- bug #153591 - split view crashes krita
bug #150890 - able to reproduceFIXEDbug #154780 - able to reproduceFIXED- bug #156721 - could reproduce
bug #156754 - can reproduceFIXED- bug #170732 - can reproduce
- bug #172642 - still exists in beta
- bug #173565 - able to reproduce.
- bug #173310 - able to reproduce
bug #156839 - can't reproduceFIXED- bug #171818 - can't reproduce
bug #172593 - can't reproduceFIXEDbug #172646 - can't reproduceFIXEDbug #155155 - duplicate of bug #124033.DUPLICATE- bug #153558 - WISH
bug #173306 - this bug has a temporal fixFIXEDbug #172904 - duplicate tool is disabledFIXEDbug #173541 - gotta boot to intrepidINVALID
- bug #173650 - karbon crashes if using a tablet
- bug #159045 - WISH autosave shouldn't try to murder your artistic persona with a load bar
- bug #173807 - karbon crashes while using split view
- bug #173880 - selected tool switches to default tool by itself m4v
- bug #173881 - spliting views duplicates the tool options docker. m4v
- bug #173882 - can't set splitter orientation. m4v