
From KDE TechBase

This wiki page will document automoc4.


You should not use the automoc4 executable directly. Instead include the Automoc4Config.cmake file in your CMakeLists.txt (best use FindAutomoc4.cmake). Then you can add two lines per target to your CMakeLists.txt and you never need to worry about moc files anymore:

set(foobar_srcs main.cpp foobar.cpp)
add_executable(foobar ${foobar_srcs})

then becomes

set(foobar_srcs main.cpp foobar.cpp)
add_automoc4_target(foobar_automoc foobar_srcs)
add_executable(foobar ${foobar_srcs})
add_dependencies(foobar foobar_automoc)

The add_automoc4_target macro adds a new target, which, when called, generates all moc files and a source file to include those when needed and adds the name of that source file to foobar_srcs.

The add_dependencies macro tells cmake to add a dependency such that foobar only gets called after foobar_automoc is done.

When using KDE4 cmake macros then don't worry about all this. Instead just use the kde4_add_executable macro.


When are which files generated

What doesn't work