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Revision as of 03:42, 13 April 2008 by Psych (talk | contribs) (typo)

Recommended reading

Plasma explores new ideas in user interface design, to allow users to interact with all aspects of their digital lives in an intuitive and enabling manner.

Such a design goal is quite different from what used to drive open source development for graphical user interfaces. To cope with the new requirements of such a bold endeavour this little list of recommended reading can hopefully act as support to the aspiring plasmodian.

This is an excellent book by Jef Raskin on user interface design. Among other things he describes a zooming user interface, similar to what will appear in Plasma.

This is actually Jef's son. Very interesting video.

Quicksilver's author talking about Quicksilver. But if you listen closely, you can also hear him talk about krunners future between the lines.

Don Norman talking about the return of the CLI. Again very interesting to understand the potential role of krunner in plasma.

Andy Oram is talking about why applications are slowing the user down and how componentization can come to the rescue.

Thomas Thurman is reporting about a discussion our friends over at planet gnome had. Some first ideas to abstract our user interfaces away from the file system.

A review by Edward Tufte of certain aspects of the iphone interface. How many occurrences of an ZUI can you spot?

A couple of very interesting ideas for interacting with your desktop. Some ideas might even be interesting for plasmoids.

Look ma! Plasmoids you can actually touch!

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I'll be there.

--Michaelrudolph 23:53, 20 February 2008 (CET)