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Schedules/KDE4/4.1 Feature Plan

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 20:02, 31 March 2008 by Spart (talk | contribs)

This is a list of planned features. The deadline for adding entries here for the 4.1 release is 20 April 2008.

Entries added after that date will be scheduled for the 4.2 release.


  • todo => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed


Status Project Description Contact
DONE kdeui Add KFadeWidgetEffect to easily add fading UI transitions to KDE applications Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
DONE kross Add QtScript support Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]>
TO DO kross Add krossjava support Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]>
DONE Phonon KCM More UI feedback Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon VideoWidget snapshot function Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon better integration of pulseaudio Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon make AbstractMediaStream/StreamInterface threadsafe Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon allow backend switching on the fly Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
TO DO Phonon add Port class for fine grained control over data flow between Phonon objects Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon subtitle, audio track selection Matthias Kretz and Ian Monroe <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon "low-level" PCM I/O with at least an ALSA implementation Matthias Kretz and Ian Monroe <[email protected]>
TO DO Phonon update device preference on the fly Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kdeui Goya, a framework for inserting controls into itemviews in a really easy and fast way Rafael Fernández López <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kdeui Shortcut schemes for KDE applications Alexander Dymo <[email protected]>
DONE kmimetypetrader/kbuildsycoca Replace use of profilerc for ordering applications with new mimeapps.list standard David Faure <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS knewstuff Support caching, and speed up the interface through use of Models/Views and goya Jeremy Whiting <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Phonon KCM Handle advanced devices Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KDEPrint Reintroduce KDEPrint in some form, depending on what Qt4.4 delivers. john Layt <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KIO speed limits on KIO Transfers Manolo Valdes <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kdeui Printing of shortcuts from the shortcut dialog Andreas Pakulat <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kte/kate Annotation framework for the editor Andreas Pakulat <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KJS Bytecode interpreter and performance improvements Maks Orlovich <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KHTML Sync class and file structure with WebKit to prepare merging Harri Porten <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KHTML contentEditable/designMode implementation Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KCalenderSystem Complete migration of Jalali, Hijri, and Hebrew calendars to new code base. john Layt <[email protected]>
TO DO KCalenderSystem Add new calendar systems: Indian Civil (Saka), Ethiopean, Chinese, Pure Julian, Pure Gregorian. (Note, not all may live in kdelibs or be available as a global calendar system) john Layt <[email protected]>
TO DO dnssd Models for service browser and domain browser. Jakub Stachowski <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML Adaptable/Scriptable workarounds for broken websites. Maks Orlovich <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML support for borders-* properties from the CSS3 Background and Borders Module Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML Efficient smooth scrolling Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML support for Audio/Video tags from the HTML5 draft specification Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML merge support for speculative preloading of network resources Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KHTML CSS3 module: Web Fonts Germain Garand <[email protected]>
TO DO KJS Public API for extensions. Possibly analog to JavaScriptCore's C API. Harri Porten <[email protected]>
TO DO KTextEditor Several interface extensions (e.g. open/save filter) Kate Developers <[email protected]>
TO DO KTextEditor Plugin for basic collaborative editing Kate Developers <[email protected]>
TO DO Kate Part Scripting support for indentation and little helpers Kate Developers <[email protected]>
TO DO Kate Part Input modes to allow e.g. vim-like editing Kate Developers <[email protected]>
TO DO Kate Part KTextEditor plugin for collaborative editing Kate Developers <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Akonadi Move the Akonadi development library from kdepim. Volker Krause <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Akonadi Item size (details) Thomas McGuire <[email protected]>
TO DO Akonadi Payload serialization format versioning (details) Volker Krause <[email protected]>
TO DO Akonadi Item streaming in ItemSync/ResourceBase (details) Tom Albers <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Akonadi API for additional item parts (details) Volker Krause/Tobias Koenig <[email protected],[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Akonadi Infrastructure for showing additional dialogs from agents/resources (details) Tom Albers <[email protected]>
TO DO Akonadi Allow to limit ItemFetchJob to current cache content (details) Volker Krause <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Akonadi Fix API for item/collection modifications (details) Volker Krause <[email protected]>
TO DO Akonadi Error reporting (details) Tobias Koenig <[email protected]>
TO DO gpgme++2 newly designed gpgme++ (multithreaded, exceptions, less event loop integration: better for Windows) Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Dolphin Details-view: Allow to open folders as tree (turned off per default). Peter Penz <[email protected]>
DONE Dolphin Refactor view-action handling to a DolphinViewActionHandler to share more code with DolphinPart David Faure <[email protected]>
TO DO Konqueror Re-implement Copy To / Move To in the popup menu David Faure <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Dolphin Simplify selecting of files in the single-click mode (based on http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2006/04/icons.html). Peter Penz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Raptor The KDE4-Application-Menu <{{{3}}}>
TO DO Dolphin Provide optional tooltips for files and directories. Peter Penz <[email protected]>
TO DO Konqueror Bring back the large tooltip like in kde3 David Faure <[email protected]>
TO DO Konqueror Session management (save/restore session/restore from crash). Eduardo Robles Elvira <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Konqueror Support for undo closed window. Eduardo Robles Elvira <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Konqueror Allow to configure the Dolphin KPart within the Konquerors settings dialog. Peter Penz <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Plasma Kickoff orientation dependent layout Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
DONE kmenuedit Restore menu system Laurent Montel <[email protected]>
TO DO Plasma Mac-like menu bar plasmoid Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Solid Refactor Solid::Control networking Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Solid Backend for NetworkManager 0.7 Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS System Settings Filtering/Lazy load category modules Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KCM autostart Configure autostart desktop file Laurent Montel <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KSysGuard Monitor process I/O John Tapsell <[email protected]>
TO DO Color KCM Add 'smart setting' of extended colors Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]>
TO DO Color KCM Add KDE3 scheme import Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]>
TO DO Color KCM Query kwin for supported colors; add full set of kwin colors Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]>
TO DO KDEPrint reintroduce KDEPrint Print Management tools, e.g. KCM, kprinter, kjobviewer, etc. Depends upon progress of kdelibs side of KDEPrint and Qt4.4 feature set. john Layt <[email protected]>
TO DO System Settings Administrator mode support Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
TO DO krunner Revamp GUI. Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]>
TO DO ksmserver UI for selecting WMs Luboš Luňák <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO nepomuk Service that monitors file rename and delete operations and updates the metadata accordingly. kded module already exists in playground. problem: depends on inotify. Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]>
DONE KCM emoticons Adding/editing/removing emoticons theme Carlo Segato <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS phonon-xine snapshots in video widget Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
TO DO phonon-xine try to make VideoWidget work on GraphicsView Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
TO DO phonon-xine make states compatible to other backends Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
TO DO phonon-xine better support for pulseaudio (most work possibly in kdelibs) Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>
TO DO phonon-gstreamer Make phonon-gstreamer as released with Qt 4.4 fully integrate into KDE and add the features added to libphonon after libphonon 4.1 Matthias Kretz <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KMagnifier Add color blindness simulation Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]>
TO DO KMagnifier Refactor color menu, re-add invert, add color-shift modes to help people with color blindness Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KSystemLog KSystemLog, a Log Viewer Tool. Move from kde-apps <[email protected]>
DONE KCron Do some refactoring in KCron <[email protected]>
DONE KCron Improve ergonomy and general interface <[email protected]>
DONE KCron Fix all existing bugs in KCron <[email protected]>
DONE KCron Convert KCron into a KCM Module, to use it in System Settings <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Environment Variables Create a environment variables KCM Module <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO Smoke2 Move Smoke2 to kdebindings-trunk. KDE-bindings developers <[email protected]>
TO DO PHP-Qt Move PHP-Qt to kdebindings-trunk. KDE-bindings developers <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Kalzium Clean up the database. I am syncing with the BlueObelisk data repository again. There we decided to remove the density (not a element property but a compound property. I also removed the mean weight. We think it is better to provide correct data than a lot (but partly wrong) data. Carsten Niehaus <[email protected]>
TO DO Kalzium Update the snapshot of libavogadro to 0.6.1. This introduces a gazillion new possibilities for the 3D renderer and fixes many issues. Carsten Niehaus <[email protected]>
TO DO Kalzium Make use of the new libavogadro-version. Carsten Niehaus <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KAlgebra Calculator Plasmoid Aleix Pol <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KAlgebra Vector support Aleix Pol <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KEduca Rewrite of the classic test writing/taking application Matt Williams <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Parley Redesigned main window Frederik Gladhorn <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Parley Vocabulary Plasmoid Frederik Gladhorn <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KBruch and KPercentage Merge in 1 app Peter Murdoch <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kalzium Plasmoid to access Kalzium database Carsten Niehaus <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Step A physics simulator, move from playground to kdeedu module (it is now in kdereview) Vladimir Kuznetsov <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlgebra Variables share between calculations Aleix Pol <[email protected]>
TO DO KTurtle Export canvas as image Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]>
TO DO KTurtle Optional rulers/grid for canvas units Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]>
TO DO KTurtle Add command line Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]>
TO DO KTurtle Add a color picker Niels Slot <[email protected]>
TO DO Parley Declensions Frederik Gladhorn <[email protected]>
TO DO Parley Rewrite of practice Frederik Gladhorn <[email protected]>
TO DO KLettres Number support Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KLettres Theme manager Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KHangMan Add a Open File action Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KHangMan Integrate an editor Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KHangMan Plasmoid Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KHangMan Theme manager Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO Kiten Link radselect with kiten Joe Kerian <[email protected]>
TO DO Kiten Sort output by dictionary/user selected sorting values Joe Kerian <[email protected]>
TO DO Step Improve GUI for creating gas and softbody Vladimir Kuznetsov <[email protected]>
TO DO Step Use common constraints handling code for collisions Vladimir Kuznetsov <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KDiamond New game, move to kdegames Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]>
DONE KNetWalk Better scoring system Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]>
DONE KNetWalk Add support for loading new themes Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]>
DONE Kollision Move to kdereview/kdegames Paolo Capriotti <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KBlocks Finish display of points and level and move to kdereview/kdegames <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGoldRunner Improved theming and animation <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGoldRunner Sound support and theming <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KSquares Multiplayer support <josef>
IN PROGRESS KBattleship Bring back Zeroconf support for network games <[email protected]>
TO DO KBlocks Add additional themes <[email protected]>
TO DO KBreakout Finish it, and move it from playground to kdegames <[email protected]>
TO DO KDiamond Get themes with KNewStuff Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]>
TO DO KGGZ Add kggzcore and kggzdmod libraries <josef>
TO DO KGGZ Add new Qt4-based core client as successor to the old KDE3-based KGGZ (now SoC proposal) <josef (now SoC proposal)>
TO DO KGGZ Fire-and-forget highscore submission for single-player games and client-to-client multiplayer games <josef)>
TO DO KGoldRunner Also see kdegames/kgoldrunner/TODO <ianw>
TO DO KGoldRunner Hot new stuff support for themes and levels <[email protected]>
TO DO KGoldRunner Startup screen <[email protected]>
TO DO KMahjongg Reimplement the Board Editor <[email protected]>
TO DO KMines Add pause actions <[email protected]>
TO DO KNetWalk New graphic system (port to QGraphicsView) Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]>
TO DO KShisen Port to KScoreDialog <[email protected]>
TO DO Kubrick See SVN file kubrick/TODO <ianw>
TO DO Kubrick Move to KDE Games for 4.1 <ianw>
IN PROGRESS Kubrick New game, 3D OpenGL - in kdereview <ianw>
DONE Kubrick New game, 3D OpenGL - move to playground <ianw>
DONE Kubrick Polish up the features <ianw>
DONE Kubrick Port to Qt4 and KDE4 <ianw>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Gwenview Undo system Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
DONE Gwenview Fullscreen meta information Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
DONE Gwenview Ability to open an image with another application Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
DONE Okular Better Text-To-Speech integration: speech the whole document, the current page or the selection. Pino Toscano <[email protected]>
DONE Okular Encryption support for ODF generator <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Okular Backward direction for text search. Pino Toscano <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Okular Centralized text & graphics antialias configuration. Pino Toscano <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Okular EPub backend. Ely Levy <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Okular Improved form support (add missing types, handle the fields better). Pino Toscano <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Gwenview Support for tagging with Nepomuk Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Gwenview Thumbnail bar in view and fullscreen modes Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
TO DO Gwenview Crop ratio Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
TO DO Gwenview KIPI support Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
TO DO Gwenview Red eye correction Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okular JavaScript support (mostly for PDF documents). Pino Toscano <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Dragon Player A simple Phonon-based videoplayer application Ian Monroe <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Dragon Player Make Dragon indipendent from Xine Ian Monroe <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Dragon Player File Manager Edmunson <David Edmunson>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KGet Group-Settings Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
DONE KGet Torrent-Support Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
DONE KGet Transfer-Settings Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
DONE KGet Webinterface Urs Wolfer <[email protected]>
DONE Kopete AIM offline messages Roman Jarosz <[email protected]>
DONE Kopete OTR Encryption support Michael Zanetti <[email protected]>
DONE Kopete Status manager Roman Jarosz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet MultiSource-Downloading Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete Bring back chat style and emoticon selection via knewstuff2 Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete ICQ 6 status icons Roman Jarosz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete MSNP15 implementation for MSN Matt Rogers <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete Non-intrusive notification system Roman Jarosz <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete UPnp Support Matt Rogers <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete Updated contact list interface (uses Qt 4 rather than Qt 3) Matt Rogers <[email protected]>
TO DO Kopete Update Kopete to better support Decibel Kopete Developers <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Nepomuk-Integration Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Support mms://-protocol, see https://launchpad.net/libmms Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Global Speedlimits Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Setup libbtcore from KTorrent in KGet (to avoid dependency to extragear) Urs Wolfer <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Extend the TransferHistory to use SQLite and XML-Backends and display the information inside a kcategorizedview Javier Goday <[email protected]>
TO DO Kopete GroupWise chatroom support Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
TO DO Decibel Decibel, a framework for real time communication services. Move from playground/pim Tobias Hunger <[email protected]>
DONE KRDC Optional system tray icon (with quick access to bookmarks) Urs Wolfer <[email protected]>
DONE KRDC Improved behavior of entering special keys for better workflow Urs Wolfer <[email protected]>
DONE KRDC Zeroconf support (detecting remote desktop services in local network) Magnus Romnes <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KRDC Bookmark dock widget for quick access to bookmars, zero conf detected services and recently used connections Urs Wolfer <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE KAddressbook Ability to add LDAP search results to distribution lists Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KAddressbook Indication of which resource folder a contact belongs to Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KAddressbook Read-only view for contacts in read-only folders Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KAddressbook copy/cut/paste context menu items Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Ability to easily create todos with reminders from emails Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Ability to open messages from search results when the reader is hidden Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Better invitation update emails showing what changed Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Better reminder visualization in very small events Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Better, natural language search criteria names Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Clickable status columns Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Client side configurability of warnings in shared folders Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Colored ribbons for indication of signing and encryption status in the composer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Configuration option for whether invitation emails are automatically deleted or not when having been acted upon Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Copy/paste and drag and drop from/to the mail composer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Decryption on demand in reader window Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Display of quota information in foldertree tooltips Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Drag and drop and copy and paste support in the search result viewer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Drag and drop from the mail reader window and mime-tree viewer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Drag and drop of folders Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Editing of attachments from the composer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Export and import of filters Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Favorites Folder Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Folder quicksearch Martin Koller <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Harmonization of actions in main and standalone mail reader windows Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail IMAP Server storage of non-standard flags Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Improved TNEF attachment handling Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Improved quota warnings Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Initialize full search from quicksearch on request Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Override font and fontsize for standalone message viewers Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Per-folder identity configurability Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Recursive IMAP cache troubleshooting Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Resizable recipients area in composer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Support for creating new mails based on received mails (Resend) Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Support for immediate sync of resource folders Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Support for soft line breaking Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Tab navigation through groups in the address completion Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Text snippets with shortcuts and variable expansion in the composer Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail Warning about active out-of-office scripts Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KMail lost+found recovery of locally changed folders that lose access rights Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KNotes Ability to print notes Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Ability to have both distribution lists and addresbook extension visible Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Aggregated reminders view Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Better default resource colors Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Drag and drop of attachments Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Faster initial loading of kolab resources Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Forwarding and delegation of invitations Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Improved coloring of agenda view items Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Improved event printing Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Merge of the attachment view in into the main page Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Merge of the free-busy and attendee views for easier scheduling Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Month view scrolling, paging, mouse-wheeling Thomas Thrainer <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer More readable Kolab resource folder labels Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Redesigned incidence editor UI Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Side-by-side calendar view Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Support for by-value attachments Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE KOrganizer Timeline calendar view Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE Kleopatra Ability to search in internal and external certificates at the same time Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE Kleopatra General UI Server Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]>
DONE Kleopatra New, tabbed, mainwindow design Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]>
DONE KonsoleKalendar Support "file" and "localdir" resources Allen Winter <[email protected]>
DONE Kontact Config option to close despite system tray Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE Kontact Harmonization of component naming in sidebar, configuration, summary view Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE Kontact Right-aligned component navigation toolbar Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE Kontact Ubiquitous sync actions Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
DONE ktimetracker Column-specific whatsthis-help [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker Combined search and add task widget [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker Drag&Drop [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker File management (file->load) [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker Managing history [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker Tracking tasks by active applications [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE ktimetracker Whatsthis-help dependant on if a task has been created [mailto: Thorsten Stärk < >]
DONE KOrganizer Rich text incidence editor Mike Arthur <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KMail HTML Signatures Edwin Schepers <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KPilot Finish Keyring conduit, base conduit code and test cases, category syncing Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kleopatra OpenPGP support Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KNotes Zeroconf support for sending notes on LAN Jakub Stachowski <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kontact New Planner summary; combines Appointment+To-do+SpecialDates into 1 pretty summary Allen Winter <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm New option to specify reminder times in minutes David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm Prevent multiple identical error messages accumulating for the same alarm David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm Remember main window show/hide options used when KAlarm closed instead of setting them in Preferences dialog David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm Remove alarm daemon and do all scheduling in kalarm itself David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm Replace simple repetitions by recurrence sub-repetitions to reduce confusion David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KAlarm Simplification and improvements to alarm edit dialog David Jarvie <[email protected]>
TO DO KMail Aggregated attachment view in the mail header area of the reader window Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KMail Improved error messages and audit log for cryptographic operations Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KOrganizer Ability to jump to the right day in the agenda from invitation mails Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KOrganizer Drag and drop in the free-busy view Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KOrganizer Support for comments in replies to invitations Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KOrganizer Support for extended free-busy lists Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KPilot Port old conduits to new base conduit architecture and KDE4/Qt4 Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper <[email protected]>
TO DO Kleopatra Konqueror and Dolphin Kleopatra plugins Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]>
TO DO Kontact Support for Kontact wide profiles Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]>
TO DO KBlogger KBlogger, a blogging application [mailto: [email protected] Christian Weilbach < [email protected]>]
TO DO KOrganizer Blog-styled journal view Mike Arthur <[email protected]>
TO DO KOrganizer Blogging KResource Mike Arthur <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KOrganizer New To-do View (model/view) Thomas Thrainer <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KOrganizer New Month View (qgraphicsitem) Bruno Virlet <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Cervisia New context menu entry "Add to Ignore List" Christian Loose <[email protected]>
DONE Lokalize Move this application (formerly known as Kaider) from extragear Nick Shaforostoff <shafff-at-ukr.net>
IN PROGRESS Cervisia A file view based on KDirModel Christian Loose <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Lokalize various Translation Memory enhancements Nick Shaforostoff <shafff-at-ukr.net>
IN PROGRESS Lokalize XLIFF support Nick Shaforostoff <shafff-at-ukr.net>
IN PROGRESS KBugBuster Make it work Fabio Locati <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KCachegrind Everything working again Josef Weidendorfer <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kate Session plasmoid Laurent Montel <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KAppTemplate Make a GUI for it - in playground/devtools Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KAppTemplate Add a PyQt template Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KAppTemplate Add a Plasmoid template Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KAppTemplate Add a Ruby template Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KAppTemplate Add DBUS support in templates Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]>
TO DO KCachegrind Better handling of huge symbols Josef Weidendorfer <[email protected]>
TO DO Lokalize Kross-based scripting Nick Shaforostoff <shafff-at-ukr.net>
TO DO Lokalize QA: glossary checklists Nick Shaforostoff <shafff-at-ukr.net>
TO DO kioslave svn Add Export/Import feature Laurent Montel <[email protected]>
TO DO Kate App Improved session management Kate Developers <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Okteta bytelevel editor (successor to KHexEdit). Move from playground/utils. Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta make printing support only selection Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta ask artists for own icon Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add support for memory mapping of files Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add "Export as" Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta enable extract-strings tool and add copy Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta more explicit titels for undo/redo actions, also from filters Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta parameter dialog for "Copy as..." Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add support for blocking processes like printing, string search or filter Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
TO DO Okteta add Kate-like search tool Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KDiskFree Use Solid API Nicolas Ternisien <[email protected]>
TO DO KwikDisk Replace it by a Plasmoid (in the desktop bar and on the desktop Nicolas Ternisien <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact


Status Project Description Contact


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Kommander Port the executor to KDE4. Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
TO DO Kommander Create Qt Designer plugins for the editor. Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Quanta Plus Create an upload plugin. [mailto: [email protected] Niko Sams < [email protected]>]
IN PROGRESS Quanta Plus Create a new, state machine based parser. [mailto: [email protected] Andras Mantia < [email protected]>]
IN PROGRESS Quanta Plus Port existing functionality to KDevPlatform plugins. Only text mode is targeted. Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KXslDbg Port to KDE4. [mailto:[email protected]

Keith Isdale <[email protected] >]

TO DO KLinkStatus Aided correction of broken links Sam Ryan <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KLinkStatus Site check automation Paulo Moura Guedes <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KLinkStatus D-Bus/Scripting interfaces Paulo Moura Guedes <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KLinkStatus HTML validation Sam Ryan <[email protected]>
DONE KLinkStatus Ability to export only broken links Paulo Moura Guedes <[email protected]>
DONE KLinkStatus Ability to do background search which only update the GUI when finished (much faster)) Paulo Moura Guedes <[email protected]>
DONE KLinkStatus Tray Icon and KUniqueApplication Moura Guedes <Paulo Moura Guedes>
DONE KLinkStatus Scripting Plugin Moura Guedes <Paulo Moura Guedes>
DONE KLinkStatus Get Hot New Stuff for HTML result stylesheets Moura Guedes <Paulo Moura Guedes>