Known plasmoids
Application Launchers
- purpose
Standard application launcher since KDE 4.0. Features include search, recently used applications and files and favorites.
- screenshot

- location
Application Launcher Menu
- purpose
Classic application launcher menu, similar to the one in KDE 3. The same dataset is shared with Kickoff.
- screenshot

- location
Lancelot Launcher
- purpose
Lancelot is an application launcher menu designed to provide a place from which all your jobs begin. It provides quick access to applications, places, documents, contacts and system information.
For more info visit the blog of the author Ivan Čukić or Lancelot's home page. You could also be interested in Lancelot feature in commit-digest.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Widget which displays the current moon phase. Access the settings to set it for northern / southern hemisphere.
- screenshot

- location
Date and Time
Analog Clock
- purpose
A simple analog clock.
- screenshot

- location
Binary Clock
- purpose
Displays the current time using binary.
- screenshot

- location
Digital Clock
- purpose
A standard digital clock.
- screenshot

- location
Fuzzy Clock
- purpose
This "fuzzy" clock displays time in an approximate, textual form.
- screenshot

- location
Train Clock
- purpose
A train clock where the numbers flip. No longer available.
- screenshot

- location
Environment and Weather
Customizable Weather Plasmoid (CWP)
yaWP (Yet Another Weather Plasmoid)
Simple Weather Forecast
Weather Plasmoid
File System
File Watcher
- purpose
Watches and displays the content of a file on the desk. In this screenshot, the bash history is being watched.
- screenshot

- location
Trash Can
- purpose
A trash can applet.
- screenshot

- location
Fifteen Puzzle
- purpose
You can play the game fifteen puzzle, including selecting your own custom picture that you are trying to put back together.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
This is the Conway's game of life. For more information on the simulation, see the Wikipedia article.
- screenshot

- location
aKademy Group Photo
- purpose
Display the conference group photo.
- screenshot

- location
Color Picker
- purpose
Get the color value of any color on the desktop.
- screenshot

- location
Comic Strip
- purpose
Show comics on your desktop. This currently supports comics like: Userfriendly, Dilbert, Garfield, Snoopy, xkcd, OsNews Focus Shift.
- screenshot

- location
Picture Frame
- purpose
A picture applet. It can show a single picture or a slideshow of pictures. You can drop an image to show an image, or drop a folder to start a slideshow of the images in the folder.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
A dictionary applet. Search the definition of a word.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
A applet to encrypt your text using the Rot13 encryption. (more info here)
- screenshot

- location
3D Earth Model
- purpose
Shows a 3D model of the earth
- screenshot
- location
- purpose
A very basic calculator applet.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Monitor your downloads. This applet can show a bar chart, a pie chart and a speed graph.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Amarok moodbar applet.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Monitor down- and upload statistics of your MLDonkey core.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Integrate the tons of existing Karamba Themes as good as possible into the KDE4 plasma desktop.
- screenshot

- location
Lancelot Part
- purpose
Lancelot Part makes it possible to add parts of the Lancelot menu directly onto the desktop or panel.
- screenshot

- location
Online Services
Commit Log
- purpose
Shows commit log for a project
- screenshot

- location
English Breakfast
- purpose
This week in KDEThe English Breakfast Network (EBN) is dedicated to the contemplation of tea, KDE API Documentation Validation, User Documentation Validation, Source Code Checking, omphaloskepsis, and star-gazing. [1]
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Shows news from various sources
- screenshot

- location
News Ticker
- purpose
Scrolling feed applet.
- screenshot

- location
Twitter Microblog
- purpose
An applet to follow people microblogs and microblog yourself using twitter.
- screenshot

- location
System Information
Battery Monitor
- purpose
Show the current state of the battery. On hover show percentage of current battery left.
- screenshot

- location
Battery Time Remaining
- purpose
This is a modification of the original battery plasmoid of plasma desktop. It displays the remaining battery time.
- location
Battery NG
- puropse
This is a modification of the original battery plasmoid of plasma desktop. It allows interpolation between battery states which effectivly provides a continuous bar instead of only 6 fill states.
- location
Hard Disk Monitor
- purpose
A hard disk usage monitor.
- screenshot

- location
Hardware info
- purpose
Show hardware info.
- screenshot

- location
- purpose
Lock the screen or log the current user out.
- screenshot

- location
New Device Notifier
- purpose
Shows the recently plugged in devices and notifies the user if a new device is plugged in.
- screenshot

- location
System Monitor
- purpose
System monitor applet.
- screenshot

- location
Windows And Tasks
- purpose
A pager applet that shows the virtual desktops.
- screenshot

- location
System Tray
- purpose
A system tray applet.
- screenshot

- location
Task Manager
- purpose
Shows the open applications.
- screenshot

- location
Window List
- purpose
Shows the open applications.
- screenshot

- location