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From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 18:31, 26 February 2007 by Dhaumann (talk | contribs) (let's not copy wikipedia content. referring to it works good enough.)

On a wiki, it is customary to allow readers to edit content and structure. This is a brief overview of the editing and contributing process. The editing table of contents to the right contains more information on editing functions.

Editing basics

Review policy and conventions

Make sure that you submit information which is relevant to the specific purpose of the wiki, or your content might be deleted. You can always use the Discussion or talk pages to ask questions or check to see if your idea will be accepted. Please make note of the license your contributions will be covered with.

Start editing

To start editing a KDE Developer Wiki page, click the Edit link at the tab on the top. This brings you to the edit page: a page with a text box containing the wikitext - the editable code from which the server produces the finished page. If you just want to experiment, please do so in the sandbox, not here.

Type your changes

You can just type your text. However, also using basic wiki markup (described in the next section) to make links and do simple formatting adds to the value of your contribution. Please follow the style used in other wiki articles. If you follow this, your contributions will be more valuable as they won't need to be cleaned up later.

Summarize your changes

Write a short edit summary in the small field below the edit-box.

Preview before saving

When you have finished, click Show preview to see how your changes will look before you make them permanent. Repeat the edit/preview process until you are satisfied, then click Save page and your changes will be immediately applied to the article.

Most frequent wiki markup explained

The wikipedia provides a quick introduction about the most important mediawiki syntax. Please read the Page editing help.