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From KDE TechBase

Getting the sources from git

  • head over to https://projects.kde.org/projects . There you'll see a long list with all the projects hosted on KDE git.
  • find the project you are interested in, and click the link, e.g. to Attica
  • on the Attica project page, go to the repository page. There you will find the clone command.
  • Execute this clone command and you'll get a copy of the sources: $ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/attica

Pushing your changes

If you followed the steps above, you now have a clone of the git repository.

In order to be able to commit your changes, you need

  • tell git to push to git.kde.org, instead of anongit.kde.org
  • to setup a ssh key for authentication
  • tell ssh to use that key for git.kde.org