To get started with the MediaWiki syntax, read
- Wrap your Qt/KDE code snippets in <code cppqt n> and </code> to get syntax highlighting (cpp == c++, qt == qt) and numbered lines (n)
New Templates
- {{movepage|url}}
- Use this template to mark a page as not finished
- {{improve}}
- Pages which need cleanups or contaion empty sections and todos are marked with this tempate.
- {{tip|text}}
- Use this template to add a tip.
- {{warning|text}}
- Use this template to add a warning.
- {{qt|class}}
- Use this template to generate a link to a Qt class, e.g. QWidget.
- {{kde|class}}
- Use this template to generate a link to a KDE class, e.g. KDialog.
- {{path|path-to-filename}}
- Use this template for paths and filenames, this way all of them have a consistent style.
- {{bug|123456}}
- Use this template to automatically create a link to KDE's bugzilla.
- {{KDE3}}/{{KDE4}}
- Use this template to mark the content of a page as applicable for either KDE 3 or KDE 4. Don't tag technology agnostic pages.
- {{Box|caption|text|width|float}}
- Use this template to create a box with a caption and a text. The width parameter is optional and can be specified absolute (400px) or relative (50%). The last parameter is the float value, which is also optional and defaults to center.