Development/Tutorials/Python-hello world
This is an example application in python using KDE bindings. It builds up two buttons. You need a layout for this, that is also demonstrated. One button exits the program, the other button does a trivial action as a demo, in this case, print "hello world" to the console (more exactly: to stdout). Save the code below as a file named hello.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python"> from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import sys
def greet():
print ("hello world")
- First we create a QApplication and QPushButton
win = QWidget() qgl = QGridLayout(win) button1=QPushButton(win) button2=QPushButton(win) button1.setText("greet") button2.setText("exit") qgl.addWidget(button1) qgl.addWidget(button2)
- Connect buttons to actions
QObject.connect(button1,SIGNAL("clicked()"),greet) QObject.connect(button2,SIGNAL("clicked()"),app.exit)
- Start the evnt loop
Call this program like this:
python hello