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Talk:Installing third party softwares in terminal/Build/kdesrc-build

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 02:09, 2 February 2011 by Praneethu.u (talk | contribs) (moved Talk:Getting Started/Build/kdesrc-build to Talk:Installing third party softwares in terminal/Build/kdesrc-build: I want to know how to install a 3rd party software , which doesn't have 1-click install. eg. i downloaded pidgin and extract)
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Just pasting in something taken from Getting Started that made it work for me, not listed elsewhere

  • This will compile qt for you, or you can configure it to use system QT
  • When you choose a branch
    • edit your .kdesrc-buildrc
      • set your branch
      • you will have to tweak the kdeSupport module description, and maybe the qt-copy. For the kdesupport module: module-base-path tags/kdesupport-for-4.5