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For now x86 base factory, 11.2

Command line tool "osc" (try to get a not too old version) and build tool (for debian: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tools/Debian_5.0/all/build_2010.02.02-1_all.deb). For Suse install packages osc and build.


To get the project:

osc co KDE:Netbook

Build locally: osc build images i586 kde-four-live.kiwi On debian the signature of the packages can not be verified, so I turned that off (needs to be fixed): osc build images i586 kde-four-live.kiwi --no-verify --linksources

  • --linksources don't copy packages over but link them


A short description of what we have in the project.

Most packages come from openSuse.

  • plasma-image this is the resulting usb stick image (or whatever)
  • plasma-netbook-desktop this package will contain our modifications (for example starting the netbook plasma shell by default)

KIWI - creating a harddisk image

As base we use KDE Four Live.

The description what will be built in the end is in the .kiwi file.

Find it in your checkout in KDE:Netbook/plasma-image/kde-four-live.kiwi

For more documentation about KIWI, see here:


On the website: we can configure whether to publish (expert flags).

The status of the build can be seen on the project page: https://build.opensuse.org/project/add_target_simple?project=KDE%3ANetbook there are some build repositories:

  • images: the kiwi image, that will be the iso
  • openSUSE_11.2: the open suse stable repo
  • openSUSE_Factory: the newer kde builds, when we want bleeding edge

The openSUSE repos are needed when we create custom packages.

You can download the binary image using osc (or the web interface): osc getbinaries images i586 If you have a usb stick to test the image with, double check the device and directly bunzip the image onto the rood device of the usb stick: bunzip2 -c Plasma-Netbook-Reference.i686-0.1.0-Build8.1.raw.bz2 > /dev/sdX