Archive:Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How to create useful crash reports (zh TW)
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本文說明如何重現有用的 KDE 應用程式當機(crash)的回溯(backtrace)。首先,提供一些基本資訊。然後,我們將說明在幾個發行版中如何準備您的 KDE 套件,以獲得回溯。這對大多數人就已足夠。其他部分是關於如何用 GNU Debugger 和 Valgrind 建立回溯,這在某些情況下非常有用。
一份良好的 Bugzilla 當機回報由兩部分組成:如何重現當機的描述和當機的回溯。如果缺少其中一個要素,開發人員會很難(但不是不可能)解決問題。
說明不要只有「它當掉了」(it crashed)。嘗試描述當機之前的一切情況。按下一個按鈕、打開一個特定的網站或檔案,才發生問題?這些小細節可能看起來沒有什麼用,但對開發者來說可能是有用的,所以請把它寫下來。
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found) Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/". (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread -1233848624 (LWP 12212)] [New Thread -1255081072 (LWP 12820)] [New Thread -1240921200 (LWP 12819)] [New Thread -1266680944 (LWP 12818)] (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) (no debugging symbols found) 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall () #0 0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall () #1 0xb6a1210b in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ #2 0xb6a85afe in ?? () from /usr/lib/ #3 0x00000003 in ?? () #4 0x082149c0 in ?? () #5 0x00003ffc in ?? () #6 0x00000000 in ?? ()
但不用擔心,經過一些修改,您可以建立完整成熟的 KDE 應用程式回溯。
#6 0xb7975bdc in ?? () from /usr/lib/
?? 表示 函式庫沒有除錯資訊,它可能是放在單獨的除錯套件。在這種情況下很容易猜測,您需要安裝 KMail 的除錯套件以得到更好的回溯。
有時候,你需要安裝一個以上的除錯套件,才能獲得良好的回溯。這取決於發行版如何劃分套件。例如說,一些發行版安裝 kdepim 除錯套件,就可以得到足夠的 KMail 當機的除錯資訊,其他發行版可能還要額外的 KMail 除錯套件。
- Debian - Debian 提供的 -dbg 套件可以更容易建立有用回溯。只要安裝對應的 -dbg 套件。例如 kdepim-dbg 用於 KMail 當機。-dbg 的相依性可以確保加入其他正確的套件(kdelibs-dbg、gdb,等)。
- FreeBSD ports - 請參閱 KDE on FreeBSD FAQ。
- Gentoo - Gentoo 有自己的文件,說明如何進行。
- Mandriva - Mandriva 2007.0 和之後的版本,KDE 全部都有額外的除錯套件(實際上,所有的套件都有)。只要安裝對應的 -debug 套件,像 kdebase-debug 和kdemultimedia-debug 。不管怎樣,你可能想安裝 kdelibs-debug 。
- 注:-debug套件在不同的倉庫。例如,在 main 中所有的套件 ,你會發現除錯套件在 debug_main 倉庫。
- Kubuntu/Ubuntu - The Ubuntu family makes things quite easy. Every official KDE module has an additional package in the repository, suffixed with -dbg. Always install kdelibs5-dbg, because all KDE applications use kdelibs (kdelibs-dbg for KDE 3 applications). Then you should install a -dbg package for the application which crashed. For example if KOrganizer crashed you should install kdepim-dbg as well. If the program is not from an official KDE module and has no -dbg package, you can install the -dbgsym package from the repository listed on this Debugging Program Crashes page.
- During the Ubuntu development cycle the Apport crash handler is turned on which will report crashes to and do the backtrace for you, if you would rather use the KDE crash handler turn Apport off in /etc/defaults/apport
- Starting with Lucid Lynx (10.04) Kubuntu will be forwarding all non kubuntu specific bugs upstream and had disabled Apport so that DrKonqui will be th edefault crash handler.
- openSUSE - 你只需要安裝 -debuginfo 套件,例如:kdepimlibs4-debuginfo。您可以在KDE 套件庫找到這些套件。此外還有一個專門的openSUSE 除錯頁面。
- Fedora - Fedora 有自己的文件,說明如何進行。(必須啟用 debuginfo 套件庫。)
如果你的發行版沒有除錯功能的 KDE 套件,你必須從原始碼編譯 KDE:
- 如果你使用 KDE 4,在 CMake 階段,你應該使用 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull 參數。如果你想指定自己的 CXXFLAGS,請使用-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-O0 -g" 。您可以根據您的需要更改 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS。
接者只是 make 和 make install,就像你所熟悉的。
當你的應用程式當機的時候。KDE 當機對話框應該會在當機後出現,它會顯示回溯分頁。

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/". [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread -1232783168 (LWP 7604)] [KCrash handler] #6 0x0806be76 in TreeMapItem::parent (this=0x0) at /home/bram/KDE/kde3/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/fsview/treemap.h:285 #7 0x08065fea in TreeMapItemList::compareItems (this=0xbfec04a8, item1=0x0, item2=0x0) at /home/bram/KDE/kde3/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/fsview/treemap.cpp:720 #8 0xb7281619 in QGList::operator== () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #9 0x0806d498 in QPtrList<TreeMapItem>::operator== (this=0xbfec04a8, list=@0xbfec0468) at /usr/qt/3/include/qptrlist.h:74 #10 0x08062e18 in TreeMapWidget::mousePressEvent (this=0xbfec03ac, e=0xbfebff1c) at /home/bram/KDE/kde3/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/fsview/treemap.cpp:1840 #11 0xb7004a63 in QWidget::event () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #12 0xb6f6bca7 in QApplication::internalNotify () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #13 0xb6f6ca88 in QApplication::notify () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #14 0xb7725a84 in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfec055c, receiver=0xbfec03ac, event=0xbfebff1c) at /home/bram/KDE/kde3/kdelibs/kdecore/kapplication.cpp:550 #15 0xb6f0bfd2 in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #16 0xb6f0b8b0 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #17 0xb6f1b761 in QEventLoop::processEvents () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #18 0xb6f82831 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #19 0xb6f826b6 in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #20 0xb6f6b72f in QApplication::exec () from /usr/qt/3/lib/ #21 0x0805181e in main (argc=134673960, argv=0xffffffff) at /home/bram/KDE/kde3/kdeaddons/konq-plugins/fsview/main.cpp:55
使用 GDB 檢索回溯
在某些情況下,不可能建立一個 KDE 當機對話框的回溯。這可能是由於應用程式,進入了無限循環,或當機對話框因為某種原因並沒有出現。您可以嘗試使用gdb(GNU Debugger)取得回溯。GDB is widely available through distribution packages.
可以在不同的情況呼叫 GDB 。您可以從 gdb 內部執行應用程式,或附加 gdb 到一個已執行的行程。後者當應用程式,已經進入了無限循環時,可能是有用的。但是,我們先由在 gdb 內部執行應用程式開始。在 shell,執行:
$ gdb someKDEapp
GDB 將出現提示。請注意,這不會啟動應用程式本身,你應該透過呼叫 run 指令執行它:
(gdb) run
這將執行應用程式,就像你習慣的一樣,你可以像平常一樣使用它(它僅消耗更多的記憶體,並可能覺得緩慢)。現在是時候重現你的當機。當你成功時,應用程式只會關閉,然後您應該回到 GDB 提示。現在是時候執行「backtrace」指令:
(gdb) thread apply all backtrace
應該會出現一個可張貼在 KDE Bugzilla 的良好回溯。
如果要附加到現有的行程中,請在 shell 執行以下指令:
$ gdb someKDEapp pid
其中pid是你想要附加行程的 ID。一旦附加,而這個行程又是一個無限回圈,在使用「backtrace」指令後將出現一個有用的回溯。你可以使用「continue」指令,讓應用程式繼續執行,在 gdb 按下 Ctrl+C 能夠再次回到命令。
使用 Valgrind 檢索回溯
When you run an application in valgrind, every piece of memory read or written by the application is being checked. Valgrind will report erroneous memory operations in the standard output or in a log file. Since most crashes are due to an invalid memory read, valgrind can be useful to track down where the problem occurs.
Like GDB, Valgrind makes running an application much slower, while consuming a lot more resources.
Start the application within valgrind:
$ valgrind --log-file=someKDEapp someKDEapp
Now reproduce the crash. As soon as this happens, the application and valgrind will terminate. What's left is a file named where pid is replaced by the process ID of the valgrind process. The file may list more errors than the one causing the crash. Here's the bit causing the crash which corresponds to the GDB backtrace above:
==23292== Invalid read of size 4 ==23292== at 0x806BD9E: TreeMapItem::parent() const (treemap.h:285) ==23292== by 0x8065FB9: TreeMapItemList::compareItems(void*, void*) (treemap.cpp:720) ==23292== by 0x50AC618: QGList::operator==(QGList const&) const (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x806D3BF: QPtrList<TreeMapItem>::operator==(QPtrList<TreeMapItem> const&) const (qptrlist.h:74) ==23292== by 0x8062DE7: TreeMapWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) (treemap.cpp:1840) ==23292== by 0x4E2FA62: QWidget::event(QEvent*) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x4D96CA6: QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x4D97A87: QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x4809AC3: KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) (kapplication.cpp:550) ==23292== by 0x4D36FD1: QETWidget::translateMouseEvent(_XEvent const*) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x4D368AF: QApplication::x11ProcessEvent(_XEvent*) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== by 0x4D46760: QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) (in /usr/qt/3/lib/ ==23292== Address 0x2C is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
But to be sure, just attach the whole log file to the crash report.