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Revision as of 21:13, 6 February 2010 by Gdebure (talk | contribs) (update to 0.6.0)


Skrooge is a personal finances manager for KDE4, aiming at being simple and intuitive. It allows you to keep track of your expenses and incomes, categorize them, and build reports of them. Learn more...

Skrooge is a part of KDE Extragear, in the Office module

This page is dedicated to developpers or advanced users who wish to have a deeper understanding of Skrooge.


Before we start, please consider using a precompiled package for your distro. You should only be compiling yourself if there is no package yet for your distro, or if you want the latest version, directly from the developpers.

Get the Sources

First, you will need to get the Skrooge source code. There are two ways to do this.

Latest Release

You can download the archive file containing the source code, and extract its content using your favorite extraction tool, such as Ark.

Development Version

Like all KDE applications, the source code is stored in KDE's Subversion system, in the extragear/office folder. Please refer to the Subversion Tutorial for KDE. You will need an SVN account to get it from there. svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/office/skrooge


To be able to compile and run Skrooge, you will need some additional components

KDE4 Headers

Skrooge being a KDE4 application, it depends on many things in the KDE headers. You can get them from your distribution's packages (name usually contains KDE4+devel, KDE4+headers), or directly from KDE repositories.


Qt Cryptographic Architecture. Get it from your distribution packages.


A library to handle import for OFX files. Get it from your distribution packages.

Build & Install

Place yourself in the directory containing the source code, and create a directory named "build" (This is useful to segregate built files from the source code). Open a Konsole in this directory, and run the following commands (as a normal user) :

mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` make

(please note the backquotes in the cmake command, they are important...)

Then, with root privileges :

make install


Tried Skrooge but didn't like it ? Sorry to hear this... You can uninstall it by running this command in the aforementionned "build" directory, with root privileges :

make uninstall


Trace activation

To activate traces, you need to export an environment variable in your console:


XX is the level of traces you want. It should be an integer between 0 and 20. The higher the number, the higher the quantity of information you get. 10 is good compromise.

Then, start Skrooge from this console. This will display a lot of information in your terminal, giving you hints as to what could be going wrong if you face issues.


To activate the basic profiling mechanism included in Skrooge, you need to export an environment variable in your console:


Once Skrooge is started from this console, you can find two new commands:

  • Restart profiling (CTRL+Pause) to initialize the profiling
  • Open profiling (ALT+Pause) to open the result of the profiling

Profiling results look like this:

method , nb call , millisecondes , average , min , max , own time , average own time 
SKGMainPanel::setNewTabContent-addTab , 1 , 38.26897848 , 38.26897848 , 38.26897848 , 38.26897848 , 25.6370585 , 25.6370585
SKGObjectModelBase::refresh , 2 , 8.741794825 , 4.370897412 , 0.9698964357 , 7.771898389 , 8.147958875 , 4.073979437 
SKGMainPanel::setNewTabContent , 1 , 49.36599612 , 49.36599612 , 49.36599612 , 49.36599612 , 3.772916079 , 3.772916079 
SKGOperationBoardWidget::SKGOperationBoardWidget , 1 , 3.179117203 , 3.179117203 , 3.179117203 , 3.179117203 , 2.963078141 , 2.963078141 
SKGMainPanel::onOpenContext , 1 , 50.43999612 , 50.43999612 , 50.43999612 , 50.43999612 , 1.074000001 , 1.074000001

Remark: If SKGTRACE is set then you will be able to find the execution time of each methods in traces.

To profile only sql instructions, you can export an environment variable in your console:


Only sql order with an execution time greater then XX ms will be displayed in console.

In the console, you will get something like:

executeSqliteOrder : SELECT t_name, t_TYPENLS, f_CURRENTAMOUNT, t_close from v_account_display WHERE (t_type='C' OR t_type='D' OR t_type='I' OR t_type='O') ORDER BY t_TYPENLS, t_name TIME='441 ms'

Interactive mode