Scenario Examples
For each scenario, we find N3 data illustrating the scenario. The decisions and alternatives we have are taken into account.
Use Cases
Claudia and Berit had their wedding in Holland.
Claudia wants to have access to Dirk's rating and other annotations.
Dirk is not online
The system sends an email including the pictures and their metadata.
Dirk requests the wedding calendar from Claudia
# Claudia's wedding event as it is in her calendar <nepomuk:/ctx/606282b1-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66> { <nepomuk:/res/606282b0-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66> a ncal:Event; nie:plainTextContent "Our wedding, everyone is invited"; nie:title "Claudia's and Berit's wedding"; ncal:dtstart <urn:uuid:9f56840d-de5b-43ba-be6f-c7d0e7097272>; <urn:uuid:9f56840d-de5b-43ba-be6f-c7d0e7097272> ncal:dateTime "2009-11-06T12:00:00.000+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime . ncal:dtend <urn:uuid:9f56840d-de5b-43ba-be6f-c7d0e7097273>; <urn:uuid:9f56840d-de5b-43ba-be6f-c7d0e7097273> ncal:dateTime "2009-11-08T19:00:00.000+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime . } <nepomuk:/ctx/606282b1-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66-metadata> { <nepomuk:/ctx/606282b1-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66> a nrl:InstanceBase ; nao:created "2009-06-03T08:19:18.465Z"^^xsd:dateTime; nao:creator <nepomuk://>. <urn:nepomuk:local:eb343fa9-47ec-4dae-b8d0-fb10c7b63f3d-metadata> a nrl:GraphMetadata ; nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor <urn:nepomuk:local:eb343fa9-47ec-4dae-b8d0-fb10c7b63f3d> . } # Dirks request # Dirk sends claudia a email, sms, text, jabber, whatever - # "Hey, share that wedding with me" # Claudia answers by sending him a "KDE open social whatever" answer # using Jabber and/or email containing the following RDF ... exactly the same RDF as above. # Dirk includes it in his local store. ... exactly the same RDF as above. # Dirk is looking at his calendar and wants to get updates from claudia on the event. SELECT ?source WHERE { GRAPH ?c {<nepomuk:/res/606282b0-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66> ?_p ?_o. } {?c nao:creator ?source.} } result: claudia ?c = <nepomuk://> call: JABBER GET CBD AROUND <nepomuk:/res/606282b0-cb04-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66> FROM nepomuk://
Data is gathered on one USB stick, tagged with either embarrassing or childhood
The whole wedding folder is archived on DVD including the metadata
One year later the data should still be accessible.
Claudia gets a lot of pictures from people, tagged with creators and people on the pictures
Now Claudia wants to find all pictures that depict herself and Berit.
<nepomuk:/ctx/08933dfb-cd33-498d-84c1-2db1d83e5af4> { <nepomuk:/res/edf808e5-9036-4292-90b4-d90e975ac117> a xesam:File ; a nfo:FileDataObject ; nao:lastModified "2009-08-26T10:53:38.966Z"^^<> ; nie:plainTextContent "asdf123"^^<> ; xesam:url "/home/claudia/networkkey.txt"^^<> ; xesam:fileExtension "txt"^^<> ; nie:isPartOf <file:///home/claudia> ; nie:contentSize "7"^^<> ; nie:url <file:///home/claudia/networkkey.txt> ; nao:created "2009-08-26T10:53:38.516Z"^^<> . } <nepomuk:/ctx/08933dfb-cd33-498d-84c1-2db1d83e5af4-metadata> { <nepomuk:/ctx/08933dfb-cd33-498d-84c1-2db1d83e5af4> a nrl:InstanceBase> ; nao:created "2009-11-06T17:26:55.223Z"^^<> ; nao:creator <nepomuk:/res/Claudia> ; strigi:indexGraphFor <nepomuk:/res/edf808e5-9036-4292-90b4-d90e975ac117> . <nepomuk:/ctx/08933dfb-cd33-498d-84c1-2db1d83e5af4-metadata> a nrl:GraphMetadata ; nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor <nepomuk:/graph/08933dfb-cd33-498d-84c1-2db1d83e5af4> . }
Dirk gets a set of music files by Claudia
Claudia has rated and tagged the files. Dirk integrates the files into his own system and changes tags and ratings. Later he needs to determine which music Claudia likes because he will act as the DJ at her wedding.
<nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4> { <nepomuk:/res/04f64db3-f4b8-4d09-a537-bcd143fab70c> a nfo:FileDataObject ; a nmmMusicPiece ; nco:creator <nepomuk:/res/Mika> ; nie:title "Grace Kelly"^^<> ; xesam:fileExtension "mp3"^^<> ; nie:mimeType "audio/mpeg"^^<> ; nie:url <file:///home/claudia/Music/Mika.mp3> ; nfo:fileName "Mika.mp3"^^<> ; nao:rating "9" ; nao:hasTag <nepomuk:/res/nice> ; nao:hasTag <nepomuk:/res/love> . } <nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4-metadata> { <nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4> a nrl:InstanceBase> ; nao:created "2009-11-06T17:26:55.223Z"^^<> ; nao:creator <nepomuk:/res/Claudia> ; strigi:indexGraphFor <nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4> . <nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4-metadata> a nrl:GraphMetadata ; nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor <nepomuk:/ctx/14fc3d4b-c150-4e57-991c-b876b26248d4> . } <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723> { <nepomuk:/res/04f64db3-f4b8-4d09-a537-bcd143fab70c> nao:hasTag <nepomuk:/res/toplayatwedding> ; nao:rating "6" . } <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723-metadata> { <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723> a nrl:InstanceBase> ; nao:created "2009-11-06T17:26:55.223Z"^^<> ; nao:creator <nepomuk:/res/Dirk> ; strigi:indexGraphFor <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723> . <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723-metadata> a nrl:GraphMetadata ; nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor <nepomuk:/ctx/c3703e3b-d0dc-4c1c-a2f4-11e4aa081723> . }
Dirk wants to exclude his comments about Claudia's ugly dress from the pictures he sends her
Example data
Current state of data in KDE4:
<urn:A> { <file:///home/foobar/someimage.jpg> a nfo:Image ; nao:desciption "Ugly!" . } <urn:B> { <urn:B> a nrl:GraphMetadata . <urn:A> a nrl:IntanceBase ; nao:created "2009-11-05T...."^^xsd:dateTime . } <urn:C> { <file:///home/foobar/someimage.jpg> nao:rating 5 . } <urn:D> { <urn:D> a nrl:GraphMetadata . <urn:C> a nrl:IntanceBase ; nao:created "2009-11-06T...."^^xsd:dateTime . }
To exclude one property we would need privacy settings on the property level. This would mean storing each property in its own graph which is not done in KDE at the moment (but would be easy to achieve).
Then we could easily mark the nao:description as non-public.
Claudia's brother has downloaded a lot of the music Claudia gave to Dirk
He needs the music files to be untraceable to him. However he still wants ratings and tags to be preserved.
After changing his jabber ID Dirk still wants to be able to access all his archived data
Dirk has two jabber IDs (SAP for work stuff and for private stuff)
He wants to share work information using his SAP ID and wedding pictures using his personal ID.
Dirk downloads a wedding picture from Claudia's picture page including all comments
The information about who wrote which comment is preserved.
Dirk starts writing a presentation about Claudia's youth and invites Claudia's brother to write it collaboratively on his computer
Dirk syncs the wedding photos with his mobile and tags them on the plane
When he comes home he syncs his phone again and the tags are synced, too.
Dirk searches for music that Claudia likes on his phone
The phone gives results from his home computer with optional access to download them.