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Archive:Projects/Silk (zh CN)

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Revision as of 15:58, 24 September 2009 by Hualiang.miao (talk | contribs)







“摆脱浏览器”。 Silk项目采取了和谷歌的Chrome操作系统完全相反的方向,不是把浏览器当成操作系统,


Slogan: "把网络从浏览器上解放出来", "崭新的网络用户界面"


  • 社交桌面,所有有人都在桌面上
  • 例如,公共交通见[1]
  • 在线新闻
  • 在线购物(例如亚马逊API,淘宝TOP API)
  • Geoweb: 我们在哪里?
    • 这有什么? 类别: 文化,购物,饮食,附近的友人,天气预报,公共交通,维基浏览,本地电话,自动取款机,旅馆(可以预订),本地电话号码(出租车,警察,医生,旅游信息,运动(主动、被动的),社交活动(当地宗教场所,等等),都由互联网而在。
      • Food support could know of dietry requirements
    • 本地化翻译。
  • All this with the ability to feedback
  • I'm going to visit XYZ, cache me all the data I need and create a printable overview.
  • 手机费用,预拨号
  • 当地价格 -旅馆,事务,旅游的开销如何?
  • 方位信息 (我的方位,附近有什么等。)
  • CIA world fact book
  • the newspaper containment in our plasma-netbook shell
  • 旅游帮助:一个小程序问你你要去哪里,然后它就从不同地方收集信息展示在你面前,就像一个动态旅行向导。这些信息会被缓存住(也许有时候会没有网络连接!)。有些信息可能很有用:你经过的城市的地图(感谢openstreetmap),电话号码(本地区号,出租车,医生,旅馆,饭店等)。另外,还会总结一张两三页的文档,打印出来,这样你就不必老是打开你的笔记本了。


  • 基于Webkit的Konqueror浏览器
  • libweb
  • Silk与现有技术的集成
  • 与网络内容集成的应用和Applets
  • 重整网络现有内容的概念方法


During Akademy, there was much discussion and also already some code to make the webkit kpart ready for prime-time. A fully working, modern and integrated browser is one of the most important pillars of Project Silk. Konqueror使用Webkit, making it fully working with all major websites.Konqueror中的WebKit: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/WebKit


libweb provides the plumbing for applications to easily integrate content from the web by offering a KDE-style API. Think of Solid or Phonon, but for the web. libweb is not so much one library, but a collection of reusable components and sublibraries. It will be a library containing utility classes for integrating online content and services into KDE. Here are some ideas of things it could contain:

  • MediaWiki查询类 (完成)
  • webslices, individual parts of webpages as Q(Graphics)Widgets
  • webpage thumbnailer (完成)
  • webpage带预览的元数据类
  • 独立网络应用
  • bookmarks with update notification ("this webpage has changed since your last visit") (in progress as SoC?)
  • Base class for implementing REST apis with site-specific implementations (much like Cornelius OCS lib that's used in the opendesktop dataengine)
  • 在线新闻 / RSS库 (完成)
  • libgeoweb, combining geolocation with webservices to retrieve data relevant to your current location, or to where you're travelling to)
  • social web API, plugging into different social networks (openDesktop, facebook, linkedIn) (进行中)
  • public transport API (standardized way of getting at this information, different backends to get at the data)
  • 在线购物API (+ 不同的后台)
  • 在线多媒体内容(音频流,视频流,音乐商店): 见Amarok
  • SOAP API (用于和其他网络API交互)
  • 监控网页 + 变更通知
  • 见Kevin的QtJolie

libweb的挑战就是让他更平滑和更有结构性。It would be too easy to just dump everything web-related in there, we need to think about how the whole thing should look like for developers.

Backends for the service APIs (public transport, online shopping, ...) we offer in libweb should be written in scripting languages for so far possible, so we can easily distribute and update them through GHNS, much like the comic plasma applet does with its per-site comic scriptlets.


  • tagging and indexing of visited webpages in the desktop search / nepomuk
  • akonadi资源,感兴趣的服务(Google联系人,del.icious书签,linkedin和facebook的联系人,...)
  • wikipedia runner for KRunner (完成:-))
  • web identity configuration (central openID config, easy configuration of webservices (think of a button for GMail which then creates an akonadi resource, pulls in email and shows that in Lion Mail on the desktop, or similar, instead of pointing the IMAP config to the GMail server), controls the settings for microblogging, blogging, facebook, google.
  • a flickr (or rather web-gallery) browser
  • 独立的网络视频查看器[[2]] looks interesting (alediaferia is working a dataengine for video)
  • 微博客应用/ 小程序 (完成)
  • Plasma数据引擎和Applets
  • Selkie, a sitespecific browser, offering an interface customized for running standalone webapps, uses site-specific bookmarks, offers toolbar actions matching a specific site, instead of location bars and back/forward buttons. (in progress)


  • 离线使用和缓存,有限的。
  • 更丰富的用户界面 (利用现代图形技术)
  • most webpages only work on a full computer and maybe on a netbook), smaller devices often suffer there
  • 对超大,超小屏幕做优化
  • we can make things compatible for differnet input devices (ever tried google maps on a touchscreen?)
  • coherent theming
  • full product thinking (hi Aaron!) by integrating interesting services by default)
  • 更好的开发平台(不仅限于JavaScript / Ajax)


  • 现在已经有了什么,在哪里?
  • 对已有的API,我们可以重用到什么程度,以及服务协议?
  • 如何促进Silk的自由度?
  • 业务模式是什么?
  • 如何获得商业支持?
  • 实时合作如何体现?


The idea is to fly under the public radar for some time. Once we have the first bits in place, we announce it as the next multi-year vision for KDE and try to get everybody on board with a big PR splash. (Flying under the radar for a bit will help -- announcing vapourware wouldn't be cool, if we show that we've already some momentum, it'll work much better. Silk是项朝着深度集成运动的活动,而并不是个什么单独的应用程序。We have the technologies in place to keep an edge over competitors, and we have the developer community in place to create small plugins to support a wide variety of (even local and niche) services.


Silk components are hosted in the Project Silk repository on Gitorius. Keep in mind that many applications that make the desktop "silk" are integrated into the applications or Plasma already. This git repo collects the bits that aren't (yet).



  • 关于概念的博客。
  • 邀请感兴趣的人加入邮件列表。
  • 组织Silk开发者聚会。
  • Contact people who have been working on "webby" stuff in KDE (完成,进行中)
  • 把libweb和SIL (Silk Integration Layer)分解为一系列小任务。
  • Provide a git repo with the bits and pieces to get cracking (完成)


