Schedules/KDE4/4.2 Feature Plan
This is a list of planned features for the 4.2 release.
See also:
- Schedules/KDE4/4.2 Release Schedule
- Schedules/KDE4/4.2 Release Goals
- Schedules/KDE4/4.3 Feature Plan
- Schedules/KDE4/4.1 Feature Plan
- todo => not started yet
- in-progress => started, but not completed yet
- done => completed
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
TO DO | System Settings | add Administrator mode button | Alessandro Diaferia <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | PolicyKit integration | Add PolicyKit support for KDE | Dario Freddi <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KPackageKit | Pushing in KPackageKit (dependant on PolicyKit integration) | Daniel <[email protected]> |
DONE | Eigen | Make Eigen 2 ready for KDE, and move it to kdesupport | Benoît Jacob <[email protected]> |
DONE | Eigen | Port all Eigen-using code in KDE and KOffice to Eigen 2.0 | Benoît Jacob <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KNotify | Create OSD based replacement for current KPassivePopup [Deferred to 4.3] | Ben Cooksley <ben()> |
TO DO | Dikku Context Framework | Create a context framework with working activities | Harikrishna Anandhan <[email protected]> |
DONE | kwrited | Use knotify in kwrited | George Kiagiadakis <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Akonadi | Various Akonadi related items can be found here | Akonadi Developers <[email protected]> |
DONE | Printer Admin | KDEPrint is dead, long live system-config-printer-kde (kdeadmin) and printer-applet (kdeutils)! Thanks to jriddell for these. | <jriddell> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | kross | Extend QtScript integration. | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
DONE | KLocale | Implement KLocale based methods to return correct working week start and end days and day of religious worship for the locale. | John Layt <[email protected]> |
DONE | KDateTable | Correctly draw weekends and day of worship for locale using new KLocale settings. | John Layt <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Phonon | add Port class for fine grained control over data flow between Phonon objects | Matthias Kretz <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Phonon | make AbstractMediaStream/Streamterface threadsafe | Matthias Kretz <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Phonon | "low-level" PCM I/O with at least an ALSA implementation | Matthias Kretz and Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Phonon | VideoWidget snapshot function | Matthias Kretz <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KConfig | API review and export KConfigBackend | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KConfig | Make KConfigSkeleton KConfigGroup aware | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KConfig | Make KConfigDialog work nicer with KConfigSkeleton + manually managed widgets | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | KUrlNavigator | Provide an option to always show the full path in the breadcrumb mode. | Peter Penz <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Katepart | Make a Vi input mode for Katepart | Erlend Hamberg <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KIO::Global | Make KDynamicJobTracker do the checking if the kuiserver service is registered or not, for full implementation of "Progress in the same window" | Rafael Fernández López <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KJS | Further performance improvements, in particular variable access (Blizzard stage 2), calling convention (FrostByte stage 2) and object property model improvements | Maksim Orlovich <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KJS and KHTML | Support for transparent reindenting of standalone sources in debugger, debug info management improvements, DOM/CSS inspection | Maksim Orlovich <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KHTML | SVG support in KHTML (port from WebKit) | Vyacheslav Tokarev <[email protected]> |
DONE | KHTML | Use of IDString (hashed strings) for local names, prefixes and namespaces in DOM core instead of document-related ids, in particular for better API compatibility with WebCore | Vyacheslav Tokarev <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KHTML | String optimizations. Class style selector performance improvement. DOMString API extension. | Vyacheslav Tokarev <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHTML | More automation in JS/C++ bindings generation | Maksim Orlovich and Vyacheslav Tokarev <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHTML | XPath level 1 | Maksim Orlovich <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHTML | Scriptable extension plug-ins | Harri <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHTML | Gaussian SVG filter | Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KHTML | Support for CSS3 border-* properties | Fredrik Höglund and Maksim Orlovich <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KHTML | Finish support of Video/Audio elements | Germain Garand <[email protected]> |
DONE | KHTML | Early domain name resolution (prefetch) | Germain Garand <[email protected]> |
DONE | KHTML | KHTMLFindBar - an embedded search/find-as-you-type bar | Bernhard Beschow (and Germain Garand) <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHTML | Faster page cache | Germain Garand <[email protected]> |
DONE | kwallet | Move kwalletd to kdebase-runtime | David Faure <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | kdeui | Rich text builders for KTextEdit, including BBCode, html, plain text markup, mediawiki and markdown output. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
DONE | i18n | proper filenames decoding for FAT mounting, in KUrls and content-disposition | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
DONE | Kross | expose KAssistantDialog as part of forms module | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
TO DO | KLocale | Method to strip accelerator marker from UI strings; needs to take into account CJK-style markers too. | Chusslove Illich <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KStyle | New branch style for treeviews | Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]> |
TO DO | kdeui | entries to help menu and aboutdata pointing to UserBase entry and | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | CMake | Reduced library link interface | Alexander Neundorf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | CMake | Exporting and importing (library) targets | Alexander Neundorf <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | Calendar KCM | Add support for setting new KLocale settings for Working Week and Day or Religious Worship. | John Layt <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Color KCM | Add 'smart setting' of extended colors | Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Color KCM | Add KDE3 scheme import | Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Color KCM | Query kwin for supported colors; add full set of kwin colors | Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]> |
DONE | Power Manager | import PowerDevil | Dario Freddi <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Font Installer KCM | Use PolicyKit for installtion of system-wide fonts. | Craig Drummond <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kephal | Import kephal for better xrandr-support. | Aike Sommer <[email protected]> |
DONE | ConsoleKit support | Add ConsoleKit support to kdm. | Kevin Kofler <[email protected]> |
KRunner | |||
IN PROGRESS | Krunner | Configuration options for blacklisting, user ranking, runner ranking, learning | Jordi Polo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Krunner | SearchMatch configuration | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Simple learning | Jordi Polo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Simple GUI for above options | Jordi Polo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Runners able to share parsing | Jordi Polo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Noun-Verb support | Ryan P. Bitanga <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Implement Nuno's UI polishings | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Runtime syntax documentation | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Runner configuration | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Krunner | Search set paging | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KRunner | runner for the plasma dbus interface | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | KRunner | Konqueror history runner | Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]> |
DONE | KRunner | Kate sessions runner | Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]> |
DONE | KRunner | Recent Documents runner | Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]> |
Plasma - Priority Features | |||
TO DO | Plasma | Welcome plasmoid | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | JOLIE Integration | Kevin Ottens <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Notification plasmoid | Dmitry Suzdalev <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Kuiserver plasmoid | Rob Scheepmaker <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KWin | Make it possible to focus plasma panels | Chani <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | panel->desktop dragging | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Expand cashew to full action bar when zoomed out | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Plasmagik packaging (and package classes) | Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Improved Battery applet for Powerdevil | Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Networkmanager Plasmoid and DataEngine | Christopher Blauvelt <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | New ECMA Script Scriptengines | Richard Moore <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Extenders | Rob Scheepmaker <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Wallpaper plugins | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Separate Desktop Settings from DesktopContainment | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Script Security Framework | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Python support | Simon Edwards <[email protected]> |
Plasma | |||
DONE | Plasma | Plasma Popup Tips | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Collapsing Applet convenience class | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Taskbar grouping | Christian Mollekopf <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Weather plasmoid | Shawn Starr <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Small Form Factors | Marijn Kruisselbrink <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Plasma On Screensaver | Chani Armitage <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Website update | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Grid applet | Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Techbase Tutorials | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Context menu plugins | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Add New Widgets: Pluggable widget browser | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Activity<->Virtual Desktop Affinity | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Optional Per-Virtual Desktop DesktopView | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Make non-SVG painting in Plasma low-color and non-anim friendly | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Runtime DataEngine documentation (sources, usage, etc) | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Panel Autohide | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Keyboard Shortcut Config UI | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Systray++ Spec | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Save icon positioning in folderview | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | New wallpapers | Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Import Raptor | Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Quicklaunch Plasmoid | Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Preserve wallpaper choice by copying user paper to home dir | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | New way of handling wallpapers and different sizes (package format, and so on...) | Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Top-level windows plasmoids | Riccardo Iaconelli <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | drop indicator in panel | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | improve usability of appletbrowser delete button | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | adding containments from the appletbrowser (and remove the "add panel" from DefaultDeskrop) | Aaron Seigo <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | highlight the applet with active keyboard shortcuts | Chani <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | dbus interface | Chani <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | make the panel controller a bit more usable | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | nicely draw the desktop toolbox when it's moved because of a panel | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | theme Plasma::PushButton with svg | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Tabbar widget derived from QTabBar and themed with svg | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Complete the panel size sliders feature: an applet can ask the panel to resize | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | New theming capabilities by expanding the lower level theming classes (Theme and PanelSvg) | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Activitybar: an applet to quickly switch between activities | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | A new plasmoid that implements the functionality of a simple web browser | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Visual clue when dragging applets from applet browser to the panel | Marco Martin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Wallpaper plugin: Mandelbrot fractal explorer | Benoît Jacob <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Google Gadgets support | Tiger Dong <[email protected]> |
DONE | Plasma | Add Google Gadgets from Internet through AppletBrowser | Tiger Dong <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Panel form factor support in the folderview applet | Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Plasma | Support for creating applets for dropped URLs in the folderview applet when it's acting as a containment | Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Add a places combo box to the location page in the folderview config dialog | Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]> |
KWin - Core | |||
DONE | KWin | New window snapping zones; screen center and window corners | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Move maximized windows between Xinerama screens | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Support for decoration shadows | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Implement _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS EWMH spec hint | Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper <[email protected]> |
KWin - Desktop Effects | |||
DONE | KWin | Compositing self-check | Luboš Luňák <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Global animation speed setting | Luboš Luňák <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Motion dynamics | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Improved UI for selecting window/desktop switcher | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | UI for assigning effects to screen edges | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Cube/cylinder/sphere effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Magic lamp minimize effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Animation in box switch effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Mouse interaction for cover switch Effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Thumbnail bar in the cover switch effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Improved snow effect; Different sizes, better randomness and different directions | Torgny Johansson <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Shader for snow effect | Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Improved desktop grid | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | New present window layout modes | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
DONE | KWin | Invert only selected windows | Lucas Murray <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | KCal Library | Make the KCal library dependent on the external libical package (from freeassocation) rather than our own old, forked version. | Allen Winter <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | Kopete | MSNP15 implementation for MSN | Matt Rogers <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kopete | UPnp Support | Matt Rogers <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kopete | Updated contact list interface (uses Qt 4 rather than Qt 3) | Matt Rogers <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kopete | Update Kopete to better support Decibel | Kopete Developers <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kopete | Contacts plasmoid | Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kopete | Move file transfer request into chat window | Roman Jarosz <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kopete | Message delivery notifications | Roman Jarosz <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kopete | Improve file transfer progress dialog | Roman Jarosz <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kopete | Jabber Jingle Audio support | Detlev Casanova <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KGet | MultiSource-Downloading | Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KGet | Support mms://-protocol, see | Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KGet | MLDonkey-Plugin based on libkmldonkey | Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KGet | Advanced Details | Lukas Appelhans <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Plasma | Network Manager Applet | Christopher Blauvelt <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KRDC | NX support | David Gross <[email protected]> |
DONE | KRDC | Greatly improve experience for LDAP (e.g. MS Active Directory) administrators | Urs Wolfer <[email protected]> |
DONE | KRDC | Improve per-host settings (remember scaling mode and other options) | Guillaume Pothier <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KRDC | Minimal-clutter mode to optimize screen real estate usage | Guillaume Pothier <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
IN PROGRESS | Akonadi | Migration of contacts and calendar data from KResource to Akonadi (Details) | [mailto: Volker Krause, Kevin Krammer, Tobias Koenig <>] |
IN PROGRESS | Akregator | Support for syncing the feed list with Google Reader | Frank Osterfeld <[email protected]> |
DONE | Akregator | Basic support for enclosures (Displaying links, mimetype and size) | Frank Osterfeld <[email protected]> |
DONE | KAlarm | Improve alarm edit and preferences dialog layouts | David Jarvie <[email protected]> |
DONE | KAlarm | Add holidays support | David Jarvie <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KBlogger | KBlogger, a blogging application | Christian Weilbach <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KBlogger | Port to use KRichTextEdit (Or KMEditor) | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kjots | Import notes from KnowIt as KJots pages. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kjots | Create and port to akonadi model. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kjots | Add support for nepomuk including tagging, possibly storage, and linking. Also a nepomuk tag proxy model for representing the structure as tagged. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kjots | Create plasmoid capable of showing the entire tree, or a single book. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kjots | Email KJots pages using default mail client (bug #124509. | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kleopatra | OpenPGP support | Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kleopatra | Konqueror and Dolphin Kleopatra plugins | Marc Mutz (Gpg4win) <[email protected]> |
DONE | KMail | Aggregated attachment view in the mail header area of the reader window | Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]> |
DONE | KMail | Merge the new message list from the SoC branch | Thomas McGuire <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KMail | Save metadata about attachments to Nepomuk when saving them | Ismail Onur Filiz <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KNode | Port to use KRichTextEdit (Or KMEditor) | Stephen Kelly <[email protected]> |
DONE | KNotes | Zeroconf support for sending notes on LAN | Jakub Stachowski <[email protected]> |
DONE | KonsoleKalendar | Add an option to support resources that might need a GUI (i.e. all resources) | Kevin Krammer <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kontact | New Planner summary; combines Appointment+To-do+SpecialDates into 1 pretty summary | Oral Timocin <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kontact | Support for Kontact wide profiles | Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kontact | Tip-of-the-Day summary | Daniel Molkentin <[email protected]> |
DONE | KOrganizer | Drag and drop in the free-busy view | Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]> |
DONE | KOrganizer | Support for comments in replies to invitations | Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KOrganizer | Support for extended free-busy lists | Kolab Konsortium <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KPilot | Port old conduits to new base conduit architecture and KDE4/Qt4 | Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KPilot | Finish Keyring conduit, base conduit code and test cases, category syncing | Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | Okteta | rework Decoding table, add int64 and UTF-8 | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okteta | refactor KByteArrayView and add a row-oriented view | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okteta | work on Tabs: add remove button, accept drop of url as load command | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okteta | Add option to extend selection in Goto dialog | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okteta | parameter dialog for "Copy as..." and "Export as..." | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okteta | Status bar contains settings like cursor position or Insertmode | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Okteta | add a document info tool(view) | Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Ark | Implement proper drag/drop between Ark/dolphin | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
DONE | Ark | Make the service menu work (possibly doing it as a KonqPopupPlugin | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
DONE | Ark | Proper password support | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
TO DO | Ark | Support for custom options from the compression interface (eg. a slider for selecting compression level for rar files) | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
IN PROGRESS | Ark | Implement a plugin for .gz files | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
TO DO | Ark | Add an options dialog (maybe) | Harald Hvaal <haraldhv((at))stud(dot)> |
IN PROGRESS | kwalletmanager | Move kwalletmanager to the Model/View architecture and redesign the UI | Michael Leupold <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | krosspython and krossruby | Support custom types via handlers | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
DONE | krosspython and krossruby | Support QList<CustomType*> constructs | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Smoke | Wrap some more APIs (at least Akanodi for all languages and Plasma for C#) | KDE-bindings developers <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | PyKDE | KCM support and other plugins | Simon Edwards <[email protected]> |
DONE | krossfalcon | Move krossfalcon to kdebindings-trunk. | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | krossfalcon | Unittests++ | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
IN PROGRESS | libkdegames | New highscore management system | Matt Williams <milliams> |
DONE | kdiamond | Drag jewels | Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]> |
DONE | kdiamond | Support for untimed games | Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]> |
TO DO | kdiamond | Optional OpenGL rendering | Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]> |
DONE | ksirk | Map scrolling arrows | Gaël de Chalendar <[email protected]> |
DONE | ksirk | KHotNewStuff skins | Gaël de Chalendar <[email protected]> |
DONE | ksirk | Jabber based net game finding (initial version) | Gaël de Chalendar <[email protected]> |
DONE | ksirk | Use only names in skins instead of numeric ids | Gaël de Chalendar <[email protected]> |
DONE | ksirk | Skins editor | Gaël de Chalendar <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | ktron | Port and remake the KTron game for KDE 4.2 | Stas Verberkt <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KBreakOut | (Optional) fire on mouse click | Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KBreakOut | Sounds | Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KBreakOut | Custom levelsets | Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KBreakOut | KHotNewStuff support for themes | Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KNetWalk | Support for custom and non-square board sizes | Fela Winkelmolen <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KGoldrunner | Improvement to sound support and themes | <[email protected]> |
DONE | KGoldrunner | Add the Count game (17 levels), contributed by Steve Mann. | Ian Wadham <[email protected]> |
DONE | KBlocks | Support for sounds | Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KMahjongg | Support for sounds | Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]> |
DONE | Killbots | New app for 4.2 | Parker Coates <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KSudoku | Port of "print game" feature from old version | Paulo Roberto Cattai <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KSudoku | Redesign of symbol themes | Paulo Roberto Cattai <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KSudoku | Replace the core engine with a new version that will solve most bugs related to gameplay | Johannes Bergmeier <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | Kate | Port and reenable the Snippets plugin. | Jakob Petsovits <[email protected]> |
DONE | perldoc KIOSlave | Add KIOSlave to allow reading Perldoc documentation. | Michael Pyne <> |
IN PROGRESS | Lokalize | XLIFF support | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
IN PROGRESS | Lokalize | various Translation Memory enhancements | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
DONE | Lokalize | wrap all windows belonging to one project into one MDI window | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
TO DO | Lokalize | Kross-based scripting | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
IN PROGRESS | Lokalize | QA: glossary checklists | Nick Shaforostoff <> |
TO DO | KAppTemplate | Add DBUS support in templates | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
DONE | Umbrello | Port code generation wizard to QWizard and replace all q3 widgets | Andi Fischer <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Umbrello | Replace all q3 widgets in the refactoring assistant | Andi Fischer <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Umbrello | Merge in SoC qgraphicsview port branch | Gopala Krishna A <krishna.ggk@gm> |
DONE | Kate | Move the kate-ctags plugin to kdesdk. | Kåre Särs <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kate | Replace the make-plugin with katebuild-plugin. | Kåre Särs <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | KAlgebra | New parser (using QLALR) and new lexer | Aleix Pol <[email protected]> |
DONE | KAlgebra | Import capability for MathML Presentation Markup in libanalitza | Aleix Pol <[email protected]> |
DONE | Kalzium | Visualization of Schemes and Gradients at same time | Tiago Porangaba <[email protected]> |
DONE | KBruch | Usability Improvements | Tiago Porangaba <[email protected]> |
DONE | KBruch | Merging KPercentage functionalities into KBruch | Tiago Porangaba <[email protected]> |
DONE | KHangMan | Add a Open File action | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
DONE | Marble | Python bindings to the Marble widget and classes | Simon Edwards <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Display millions of stars | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Tool to predict Conjunctions | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Support of Non-western Constellations | Jérôme Sonrier <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Include HD Catalog Numbers (in search, in display) | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Separate INDI From KStars | Jasem Mutlaq <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Sky Calendar Tool | Jason Harris <[email protected]> |
DONE | KStars | Earth Satellites | Jason Harris <[email protected]> |
DONE | KTurtle | Add command line | Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]> |
DONE | KTurtle | Add a color picker | Niels Slot <[email protected]> |
DONE | KTurtle | Export canvas as image | Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | KEduca | Rewrite of the classic test writing/taking application | Matt Williams <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KLettres | Number support | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KLettres | Theme manager | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHangMan | Integrate an editor | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHangMan | Plasmoid | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KHangMan | Theme manager | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KLettres | Visual Indicator when letter is wrong | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Kalzium | Plasmoid to access Kalzium database | Carsten Niehaus <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Step | Improve GUI for creating softbody | Vladimir Kuznetsov <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Step | Use common constraints handling code for collisions | Vladimir Kuznetsov <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KAlgebra | Export to MathML Presentation Markup | Aleix Pol <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KAlgebra | Some integration with the new KFormula widget | Aleix Pol <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Parley | Declensions | Frederik Gladhorn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Parley | Rework main window infrastructure | Daniel Laidig <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Marble widget for Geolocation tool | Médéric Boquien <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Better printed star charts | Jason Harris <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Sync KStars time from device | Jasem Mutlaq <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Better rendering of comets/asteroids | Jason Harris <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Texture mapping of the skymap??? | Jason Harris <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Improve Observing List Wizard | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Display Comet Magnitudes whenever possible | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Information links in-place for each technical term | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Tool to suggest star-hopping techniques??? | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KStars | Extend conjunction tool to have one object unspecified, but have a genre of objects specified instead | Akarsh Simha <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Marble | Export map to MxN pixel bitmap | Inge Wallin <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Marble | Bookmarks | Inge Wallin <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Marble | Support for MarbleWidget::setEnabled( bool ) | Inge Wallin <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Marble | Map Contents translation | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Marble | Editing GeoDataFeatures | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Layer Management Class | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Plugin architecture for map layers | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Extending GeoPainter | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Marble Runners | Henry de Valence <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | GeoClue Integration | Jens-Michael Hoffmann <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Routing | Jens-Michael Hoffmann <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | More map providers (WMS?) | Jens-Michael Hoffmann <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Winkel Triple projection / equivalent | Henry de Valence <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Marble WorldClock Plasmoid | Henry de Valence <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Qt-Version settings dialog | Henry de Valence <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Panoramio Support | [mailto: Shashank Singh <>] |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Twitter Plugin | [mailto: Shashank Singh <>] |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | TimeZone Support | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Support for other planets and the moon | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | DGML2 Support | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Support for imperial units | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Graticule plugin | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | MeasureTool plugin | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Port authors list from the Qt-About dialog to the KDE-About dialog | Torsten Rahn <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Basic KML support | Patrick Spendrin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | GeoData Model/View Visualization | Patrick Spendrin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | More generic projection support | Inge Wallin <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Marble | Network plugins | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Properties dialog for objects. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Improve construction of bisect lines. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Improve feedback when constructing objects. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | More geometric objects. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Script objects as macros (to be reused more than once). | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Improve the Cabri import filter. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Kig | Improve the new/edit script wizard. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KTurtle | Optional rulers/grid for canvas units | Mauricio Piacentini <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
IN PROGRESS | KsCD | Dbus Connection for Now Playing plasmoid | Amine Bouchikhi <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Dragon Player | Make Dragon indipendent from Xine | Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Dragon Player | File Manager | Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Dragon Player | play media dialog | Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Dragon Player | slider changes | Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Dragon Player | show info while playing audio files | Ian Monroe <[email protected]> |
TO DO | JuK | Remove Qt/KDE3 support lib requirements | Michael Pyne <[email protected]> |
TO DO | JuK | Allow setting covers directly from URLs supported by KIO - drag/drop already allows this however | Michael Pyne <[email protected]> |
TO DO | JuK | Use XCOMPOSITE real transparency when available for the track announcement popup | Michael Pyne <[email protected]> |
TO DO | JuK | Allow disabling crossfade | Michael Pyne <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | KbStatusApplet | Port the KDE3 applet to a Plasma applet and get it fully working again | Sebastian Sauer <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KMagnifier | Refactor color menu, re-add invert, break current color blindness code into "daltonize" and "simulate" | Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]> |
TO DO | KMagnifier | Add color-shift modes to help people with color blindness | Matthew Woehlke <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | KSnapshot | Add support for grabbing a single screen in multihead | Richard Moore <[email protected]> |
DONE | KSnapshot | Increase jpeg image quality from 75% to 85% | Richard Moore <[email protected]> |
DONE | KSnapshot | If we're saving the window decorations then record the window title and class in the image (if the format supports it) to play nice with indexers like strigi | Richard Moore <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Sound annotations. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Link annotations. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Improve annotation support: for existing types (rubber stamps, line, note, etc), and for the way they are constructed and handled. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Caret annotations. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Okular | Support for videos & movie annotations. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Support .snp and .emf file formats | Brad Hards <[email protected]> |
DONE | Gwenview | Support for animated images (.gif and .mng) | Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Gwenview | Red Eye Reduction | Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Gwenview | Nepomuk integration | Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Gwenview | Dolphin-like single-click selection | Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Gwenview | Optional tree view | Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Okular | Usable inverse search. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Synctex support. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Okular | "Okular document package" for import/export a document with metadata (eg annotations). | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
DONE | Okular | New backend for fax documents. | Tobias Koenig <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Okular | Usability improvements. | Pino Toscano <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
DONE | kio_bookmarks | A new konqueror home page displaying user bookmarks. See [description] | Xavier Vello <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | kuiserver | KUiServer Goya port. General improvements for usability improvements | Rafael Fernández López <[email protected]> |
DONE | kio fish/sftp | port fish and sftp to windows | Carlo Segato <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
TO DO | konqueror | A new konqueror recover-dialog replacement | Eduardo Robles Elvira <[email protected]> |
TO DO | konqueror | Rework bookmarks using Akonadi | Eduardo Robles Elvira <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | dolphin | Add zoom slider into the status bar and general zooming improvments | Peter Penz <[email protected]> |
DONE | dolphin | Tooltip previews | Peter Penz <[email protected]> |
TO DO | dolphin | ui to select preferred default settings for directory view | Loic Marteau <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | konqueror | Tagging and rating of webpages using Nepomuk - Already finished in playground. | Sebastian Trueg <[email protected]> |
Status | Project | Description | Contact |
TO DO | PoTD engine | Import from playground | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
DONE | Frame plasmoid | Honor EXIF rotation - see bug 164605 | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
TO DO | Frame plasmoid | Previous, Pause and Next buttons - see bug 164704 | Anne-Marie Mahfouf <[email protected]> |
DONE | Comic dataengine | Port all comics to QScript and offer them through GHNS | Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]> |
DONE | Comic dataengine | Finish script support | Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]> |
IN PROGRESS | Eyes applet | xeyes clone applet | Olivier Goffart <> |